Chapter 27

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Cappa ~#~

"Okay, so I was wrong." Lisa let it out in a rush. "You gotta admit there was a good chance though."

"Technically you were only wrong about him coming back for Mai." Robert cut in. "He was still in the building. I got a really strong scent moving around the upper levels. He had definetley been there, within the previous fifteen minutes at most."

"But you didn't find him." Joanna reminded us. "He got away. He's not here anymore."

Back in Joanna's office, and Christopher hadn't spoken a word. I knew it was only a matter of time before Joanna noticed the tell-tale blood splosh over the front of his shirt, or the big bloody splotch around my forearm. In fact, she may have noticed already. Weird how she wasn't picking us up on it, though.

"Maybe, but it's a bit odd, don't you think?" Robert pushed his hands into his pockets. "He came back in, and he was looking for something. There's a good possibility that it was Mai. He might not have known that we'd moved her. He might have been looking for the medic section, found them empty, and..." He trailed off, shrugging. "Kaput. Nothing he could do with her in a place outside, so he left."

"So he could try again." I voiced my thoughts. First thing I'd said now too, and since Chris was the only one still silent Joanna did exactly what I knew she would to coax a response out of him.

"Chris, what happened to you?"

Chris had one hand pressed over his lips, like he was thinking. At her voice, he lowered it away, considering his reply. Don't tell her. I begged silently.

"Got stabbed by Cappa."


There was a small pause as Joanna contemplated this, putting two and two together.


"He was upstairs when he shouldn't have been. He wasn't expecting to...." He coughed. "Run into anyone."

"I didn't run at you." I told him, on the defensive. "You made me jump!"

"You broke the rules, Cappa. You shouldn't have gone up the higher levels." Joanna scowled at me, and I turned away, beaten. What was the point in arguing, anyway?

"So you stabbed him?" Lisa sounded suprised. "Right on, Cappa!" Chris gave her a frosty glare. "What I mean is he was on the alert." Lisa corrected herself. "If you had been Dimitri, you'd be dead by now."

"Well, that's comforting." Chris muttered. "And so is the fact he wouldn't be dead for long, either."

"Then you'd get to kill him again."

"I believe we're losing focus, Lisa." Joanna interupted, and Lisa sat down.

"So what do we do now?"

Joanna huffed out a sigh. "I guess it goes back to business as usual. You are going to have to tell me about what happened between you and Dimitri in the woods at some point Cappa, so now I suppose we'll just have to be a bit more watchful over Mai. And-" She snapped her fingers at Robert. "I need you to look into this necromancy stuff you told us about. Do a bit of research."

Robert checked two fingers off his forehead in a mock-salute. "'Kay."

"Alright. You guys can go. Not you Cappa." She stopped me and jerked a thumb towards the door, watching as they three filed out.

Joanna waited until the door had closed behind Lisa before she slid into her desk chair, lying both her palms flat out on the table.I knew I was in for a grilling, or that she'd demmand to know about Mai and Dimitri, but instead she started with the thing I'd thought she'd leave until last.

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