Chapter 20

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Mai ~#~

I could feel the power building inside me. Each time one of Hale's figers ticked down and the stake drew closer, it rose a little more, and Cappa's bruised face only made it burn..


Hale nodded to Dante, who slipped to Cappa's side and sawed through what was tying him to the chair. Cappa made a feeble atempt to hit him, but he dodged it easily.


Bianca began to bring it down towards him, straight to where his undead heart rested. My head was burning, there was pounding in my skull, and my blood had turned to fire that drummed round my brain. An intense pressure began to swirl in my stomach, forcing its way up towards my throat. I felt like I was about to be sick, but then something burst and an almighty explosion of red was thrown out of me in heavy beams, tearing me open from the inside.

Bianca dropped the stake and started to run, but the light caught her and she dissolved, actually dissolved, so not even a smudge of ash was left. Tristan made a leap for the window, but the drumming pulse caught him before his feet had left the floor.

And now it was Hale's turn. I stood between him and his escape, head practically on fire, screaming at the top of my lungs. But the one thing that got through my fried brain was that I wanted to kill Hale, and that now I had my chance. The pain was so intense it took me longer to find my words, but only by a split second. I had been wanting to say these words to him for a long time, and now, they would be the last he ever heard.

"Go to Hell, you bastard!" I bellowed, and a huge power surge exploded out of me and tore him apart. The glass exploded outwards. Someone was screaming in Spanish. My head was on fire.



It was like someone had thrown a bucket of water over the fire inside me. I choked and buckled, the red beams extinguished, leaving a sharp ache in my stomach and throat. How can something so big go so suddenly? The thoughts drummed round my pounding skull.

Along with Hale, Bianca, Tristan, the power died. I stumbled and held onto the railing of the stairs for support while Cappa pulled himself out of the chair weakly, giving me a ghost of a smile. It took me several long minutes for the scarlet stars to vanish from my vision before I managed to drag myself over to him, clutching him in a desperate hug as I struggled to get over the huge power surge.

"Eso es todo. Me largo de aquí!" The Spanish woman bolted for the stairs and ran, her footsteps vanishing downstairs.

"Close." Breathed Cappie in my ear. He looked in really bad shape, but he wasalive.

"Close." I hugged him tightly, breathing heavily. Dimitri must've got it wrong. I could control it. Or rather, Cappie could control it. Dimitri. Where is he? Did I kill him?

"Mai." I jumped violently. and my question was answered for me. Dante and Dimitri were in the darkest corner, the boxes behind them singed with burn marks from the fiery light. Dante had one arm looped around Dimitri's neck, holding him up, and the other hand was dangled down by his side.

"I think you missed one." Dimitri was only semi-conscious. He looked as defeated as I felt, but nothing could've prepeared me for what Dante was about to do.

Dante lifted the piece of wood Bianca had been holding and, before I could stop him, shoved it with a grunt above the place where Dimitri's undead heart rested. He released his grip and vaulted himself over the railings of the stairs, and his footsteps vanished. 

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