Chapter 1

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My heart sank. My stomach growling, I hung up and threw my phone on my bed, sinking down after it before it could hit the covers. I ran my hands through my hair, looking out of the window and feeling the sun tingle on my skin. Nightfall seemed hours away. Clawing back my fringe, I flopped onto my back and stared at the cieling fan, its slow rotation steadying my thoughts.

"Damn it, Halem." I hissed quietly to myself.

Halem was our clan leader. I guess you've already sussed by now that I had to follow everything I was told to do, or risk being staked while I slept. Even if that meant supressing the undying thirst until he said it was ok, even if that meant almost killing myself passing what resembled to me as walking, talking hamburgers every day. Halem had just said it was alright for Fred to rip off another clan member's arm in his thirst, and for Bianca to keep on stealing other people's snacks from under their noses. See, the thing is that vampires have no shame in staking their own kin, but that would also mean if they got found out they'd be staked too, unless they had a good enough reason.

I looked up again. The sun was just sinking below the horizon, and soon people would be called to the dorms. Maybe when they were asleep I could sneak out and catch myself a squirrel.  It's difficult to get a good meal when you go to a boarding school.  Especially a strict one like Farroway. My clan gave me the placement for this place for one reason and one reason only. I was special. Unlike all of the others, I was born a vampire, not turned. They thought, or rather Halem thought that this would make me a bigger target to rival clans, so putting me right in the middle of what looked to us like an all-you-can-eat buffee, his reasoning was that they'd get side-tracked long enough for me to escape.

"Will Mai Kenderson please go to Professor Hart's office. Professor Hart's office, Mai Kenderson." Warbled the voice over the loud speaker.

With a sigh, I swung my legs over the bed and stood up, stretching. It was lucky everyone else was out of the dorm or I'd face questioning when I got back. Profesor Hart was Halem's alias. Yeah, you got it. My clan leader was also a teacher.



"Hale." I bowed my head and sat in the chair opposite his desk as he rounded me and closed the door, taking his seat in a big plush chair behind the mahogony desk.

"I need to talk to you in person about this persistent request you've been making." He said, folding his hands. I stayed silent. "I'm sure you can understand being the age you are that it is very difficult for a person of your...attributes..." He looked at me sternly. "To fulfill her thirst while in the residence in which you are currently residing."

Lots of big words. That was just Halem being professional. Had we been back at the house, he would have been snarling it at me through pointed canines, and taking a bite out of my neck should I do or say anything wrong. Here however, it would have been slightly hard to explain if I came out of his classroom with blood running down my neck.

"I appreciate that." I said firmly. "But squirrels and small animals aren't enough. Fair enough if I can't take a bite out of someone, but what of the rest of the clan? Surely it would be alright for them to just take a small person, or someone nobody cares about or will miss?"

His nostrils flared. I knew that sign. I was getting under his skin, and had I been anywhere else I would have turned on my heels and fled. "You're referring to Fred."

He said his name so poshly I found it hard to keep a straight face. "He's just one part of it. What about Bianca? Savius? Dora, Darrel, Wes?" I paused for a moment before adding: "Cappa?"

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