Chapter 35

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I would really recommend the song on the side ~> It's brilliant :D Final chapter, hope you enjoy!

Mai ~#~

Dimitri was up in seconds. Cappa's head had taken most of the force of the impact, and he lay groaning and rolling on the floor, a thousand cuts all over his body and covered in glass. Dimitri's face was sliced too, and blood dribbled down into his eyes as he lunged for me, notching an arm round my throat to face the others of Joanna's clan, who came charging out of the woods.

That's why it was so deserted.

My body was too weak to struggle. The most I could do was to scrabble at his burnt sleeve, shaking my blackened hair in frustration.

"Mai!" Cappie moaned from the floor, stumbling to his feet. The ringing of the glass that hit the floor as he stood broke the heavy silence, ending the stampeding footsteps from Joanna's clan. "Damn you, Dimitri!"

The stake. Slowly, I lowered my hands towards Robert's pockets.

Dimitri had one in his hand too, poised in the air like he was showing it off, warding Joanna and Cappie back.

"So it's come to this." Cappie managed.

From what I could see of Dimitri's face, it seemed to clear, stirring an old memory. "That's exactly what I said to Halem." He said, never flinching. "After he decided I could no longer be trusted."

"It ends tonight, Dimitri." Joanna was steering clear of the huge window frame, fragments like jagged teeth poking from the edges.  A carpet of glass reflected the moonlight into our faces."You need to let Mai go. You know as soon as she's dead we'll kill you anyway."

He was cornered. This much we all knew, including him. Joanna's clan had gathered in what used to be the window space, Cappie was halfway between them and us. There was no way out.

"Then I might as well take her with me." His eyes went to Cappa's. "I wonder what it would be like, Cappa, to see your face."

"Why?" I breathed. "What could your motivation possibly be?"

"You're just another loose end, Mai." He laid a cheek against my hair. "Another niggling doubt at the back of my mind. While you're still here, I can't move on."

"And what will you do after this?" Yelled Cappie. "Say you kill us all, what the hell will you do then?!"

Dimitri gave a low chuckle. "You're still trying to negotiate, Cappa?" I slipped a hand into Robert's coat pocket, and felt the rough wittled wood under my fingers. Sealing my hand around it, I closed my eyes.  "You can't negotiate your way out of this. One way or another, like your friend said, it ends tonight."

I lifted the stake out of Robert's pocket. With his concentration still focused on Cappa and Joanna, and the rest of the clan, Dimitri failed to notice. The old Dimitri would've. But the old Dimitri would never have done this in the first place. Please keep him talking. I begged silently. Please, just keep his attention on you.

"This is pointless!" Cappa yelled in desperation. "You have no reason whatsoever!"

It was what I needed. In a single movement, I lurched the handmade stake out of my pocket. Twisting in his arms, I came face-to-face with him. For a moment I held his gaze and his shocked expression, but only for a split second. That was before I launched my arm back, and drove the stake deep into Dimitri's heart.

Cappa ~#~

I watched him fall. The expressionless face Mai held could've been the one she'd wear to change the channel, or brush her teeth. It shocked me she should be so calm. She let his weight buckle her and she went down on one knee, supporting him with the stake, hair half dropped over her face as she glowered at the floor to his left, where his own stake had rolled.

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