Chapter 6

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Late that night, Cappa woke me up. He shook me awake and tugged me out of bed by my arms, silently, so we didn't wake the others.

"What the hell is going on?" I hissed as we descended down the stairs, bare feet slapping on the wood.

He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, same as me, except his were obviously a guy's. Anyone catching a glance at us would think we were crazy running around dressed in Summer clothes on a Winter night, anyone would think we were crazy if we were out of bed at all, so it was lucky we didn't come across anyone as we skidded into the main hall.

"There's vampires out in the grounds." He whispered as we hurried up the rows of chairs set ready for assembly in the morning.


"I don't know if they're ours or not." Cappa muttered as we passed through the doors at the end of the hall."But even if they are, we've got a problem."

"Where are we going?"

"Up to the attic." Cappa swallowed. "I'll leave you there and try to corner them off. I'll give you a signal if you need to make a quick escape."

"How the hell are you going to corner them off?" I hissed as we began to hurry up a flight of stairs hidden behind a curtain. "How many?"

"I've seen one." Cappa kept pushing me up the stairs, further and further. "One's enough."

"I don't want you to get staked." I squeaked as we burst through the dor at the top of the stairs. "Stay with me."

"They'll blow our cover if they get inside." Cappa sat me down on a cardboard box. "Stay away from the windows. Don't leave this room, understand?"

"They'll blow our cover if they kill you!" I whisper-shouted. "Either way, we loose. Just stay with me."

"We won't loose if I can cut them off first."

"Are you sure you weren't imagining them?"

"I heard them, Mai. And when I looked out of the window, I saw one by the Oak tree, eating."

"A person?"

"No, Mai. Luckily, nobody human was in the grounds tonight."

"Are you sure?"

"We're wasting time. I need to go."

He tugged out of my hands and dashed through the doors, pausing only to make a quick shushing gesture before running silently back down the steps.

I was proud of myself for how long I sat there. About three minutes after he'd gone out the door, I couldn't stand it anymore and ran too, straight down the steps and through the assembly hall, through the many hallways and corridors and eventually bursting out into the cold Winter night.

I scanned the blanketed scenery for a trace of Cappa, and spotted his half-hidden footsteps marked in the snow heading out into the grounds. Ahead of me was nothing but a swimming dark. I followed his footsteps, the first few metres away from the school lit up in floodlights, but the light dissolved into a mingled grey after that.

"Cappa!" I called, feeling the cold chill my skin even colder.

There were shouts from between the trees and I ran towards the sound, feet sinking ankle-deep into the white powder that covered the grass.

"Mai!" Shouted Cappa. "I need a hand!"

I followed his voice and came towards the oak tree, where I slowed to a walk and finally, a stop. Cappa was wrestling some poor, bloody vampire in the snow, pushing their face deep into the drift.

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