Chapter Sixteen

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            Oh yeah, your Daddy problems.

            I can't believe I said that.

            Ever since I got home after school today (courtesy of the bus since I'm apparently not on good terms with anyone else who could've given me a ride home), I haven't been able to stop fretting over the fight Griffyn and I had. I shouldn't have said what I said about his father. I don't have the right to. And I'd used his greatest emotional weak spot against him in order to get what? A reaction? I don't even know.

            With a long, loud sigh, I sit up in my bed and grab my purse and keys. I'm going to head over and apologize. Otherwise, I'm not going to be able to sleep until I do.

            Passing into the living room, I startle when I find my mom passed out on the couch. She wasn't there when I got home. I search the space around her for any clue as to why she'd been out here. Not finding anything, I lean back. Just as I do, my eyes catch on something in her hand.

            I frown and reach out, turning over her hand. As her hand flops open, the object she'd been holding falls to the floor. I stoop down and pick it up, turning it around in my hands.

            Recognition floods my senses and I start to clench the watch. I'd thought she'd sent him to go home mid-summer to pack up everything and leave. Why would he leave this? It had to have been on purpose because there's no way he'd ever forget about a two-thousand dollar watch.

            Biting my lip so hard that it's possible I may draw blood, I stalk out of the house and into the backyard. Then I face the lagoon and chuck the watch in its direction. I watch with a smile of satisfaction as the watch plops into the murky water. I imagine it sinking dozens of feet into the lagoon and once again, I'm in the good mood I was in this morning before shit hit the fan.

            Good, I think. I hope it stays this way.

            As I trek back through the house, I stop to tuck a blanket over my mother before heading out to try to apologize to a certain moody best friend of mine.

            Since Griffyn only lives a few streets over, it doesn't take long to reach his home. As I pull in, though, I realize my bad timing. Griffyn is starting his truck and is about to pull out. I curse and pull out my keys, grab my crap and unbuckle my seat belt in record time. I sprint the length of his driveway as he pulls out.

            His eyes meet mine as I catch up to his vehicle and they widen in surprise. He presses his foot on the pedal to back out faster, but he's already too late. I grab the handle of the door and open it, using it to swing myself into his moving truck. Before I can slam the door behind me, he slams on the brakes.

            Putting his truck into park, he turns to me, looking angered and... actually quite worried. "What the hell were you thinking, jumping into a moving vehicle? I could have hit you!"

            "Eh, you didn't. Plus, you're a good driver. But that's not the point. I--"

            Griff cuts me off, "Even the best drivers can get into accidents. God, Carson, don't ever do that again. That scared the shit out of me." He rests his head back on his head rest with a sigh and closes his eyes. His hand is placed on his heart as if my actions had given him a heart attack.

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