Chapter One

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thanks xxx


This is it. A new start. A step forward to my career. I breathe in the hot air of America. My suitcase in one hand and my schedule in the other. The big part of this experience is that I have no clue why I got into one of the most smartest, posh college in America. Its weird being in America, its most defiantly different from England.

I walk up to the big building and look around. New people, new lifestyle, new hospitality. In the court yard there was a group of boys throwing a ball around and I'm presuming they are the 'jocks'. There is also a group of people playing instruments. A lot of different cliques. There was this one boy that caught my eyes, leaning against the tree with a girl constantly kissing him all over and he wasn't paying her any attention. He was watching his team  through the ball about.

I was interrupted by my thoughts with the ball hitting me in the face. I grabbed my face and cursed as my suitcase fell from my hand. A curly haired boy came running over to me grabbing the ball and picked up my case. ''Sorry about that'' He chuckled.

I straightened my self out. ''It's okay'' I smile.

''Harry'' He said handing me his hand, I took his hand and shook it. ''Davina'' I said back.

''Well Davina it's nice to meet you'' He smirked.

''Yeah you too Harry'' I laugh and was about to walk away until he said my name again.

I turned around and he ran his hands through his hair. ''There's a party tonight at our house, would you like to come?'' He asked me.

''I'd love too but you see I just arrived today and I would like to get settled until I attend crazy parties'' I told him, he laughed.

''I can help you settle in'' He said.

''I can mange I think''

''Well first of all your no where near your building that you are assigned too'' He laughed taking my sheet out of my hand. ''Your actually at the opposite end, the building you want to go to is that one right over there'' He said pointing at the big fancy building.

"Oh" I laughed and covered my eyes.

"Come with me and I'll show you around" He took my hand.

He took me over to his group of friends getting glares of some of the girls. There was this one girl that I could tell hated me as she kept staring at Harry's hand in mine. I awkwardly let go of his hand. The girl was blonde and fake basically, she was wearing tight jeans and a belly top with heels. "Guys this is Davina" He said wrapping his arm around me. "She's new" he smirked.

"Obviously" The blonde girl spat.

I didn't like her attitude and she was beginning to annoy me. A girl came over to me with brown hair and she was so pretty she gave me a hug. "Hi. My names Daniele and I love your dress" She smiled. "This is my boyfriend Louis" She said and he waved to me.

"Also this is, Gigi and that's Taylor" referring to the blonde hair girl that I did not like. "Zayn and Liam over there" who waved at me. "Oh and that's Selena" she rolled her eyes.

"Last but not least the football captain Niall" She said.

I turned around to the boy who caught my eyes, his messy brown blonde hair. He looked up to me and I couldn't help but fall in love with eyes as they where ocean blue with a hint of green. He smiled at me pushing the girl out of his way and kissed my hand his soft pink lips leaving a little bit of wetness on my hand. The way he looked at me while kissing my hand was really frustrating. He gave me butterflies.

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