Chapter 13

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"Stiles can I talk to you please?" I asked him.

He nodded his head. Stiles and I had gotten closer and closer, he was like Harry. He knew Scott better than anybody. I watched as Scott was laughing and sitting with Lydia. It's been a couple of weeks since that incident and yeah he did leave a bruise on my cheek but I had to lie to everyone that I was drunk and fell of my bed.

"I still can't believe you fell off your bed" Stiles held onto his stomach.

I laughed with him. "Can I trust you?" I asked him.

He put his serious face on. "Of course, what's up?" he asked.

I pointed at my cheek and pulled up my top revealing the bruise that Scott had caused my kicking me in the side. "What the hell" He gasped.

"I never fell of my bed" I stated.

"Scott did that?" he asked me.

"Why are you surprised?" I asked, that wasn't the kind of emotion I was looking for.

"Who else knows about the bruises on your side?" he asked me.

"Just you and Scott" I told him.

"Niall?" he asked.

"Nope, he won't know so don't bother telling him" I warned Stiles.

Scott came and I got up and stared at Stiles. "What are use two talking about" He cheered.

"She was just telling me how much she loves you" Stiles rubbed the back of his head.

"Is that true?" He asked me pushing my body against his.

"Yeah" I whisper not looking at him.

He lifts my chin up with his fingers. He places his soft lips on mine. He gently bites down on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth letting our tongues touch again, I felt something sliding down my throat and I quickly pulled away from him trying to cough it up. ''What the fuck was that?'' I ask grabbing his drink.

''I wouldn't dr-'' He was about to say but I had nearly drank the whole thing.

''What?'' I asked.

He just chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I walk out into the big room and see that Niall was standing in the corner talking to a girl and when he sees me his expression changes and he walks over to me as Scott walks away to welcome his friends into the the old building.
I was playing with my arms as he came and walked towards me.

"How have you been?" He asked me.

I just wanted to cry and hold him. "Yeah I've been good" I said.

"You haven't been back at the dorm in a while" He scratched the back of his head.

"Yeah I've been staying at Scott's" I smile.

"Where all missing you" He touched my side that makes me flinch.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

I looked up at him and could feel the tears starting to sting my eyes before I could stop them. They spill down my cheeks as I try to wipe them away. "I'm sorry" and head out to the front of the building.

I heard his footsteps behind me as he grabbed onto my forearm. "You don't have to be sorry, cry all you want" He said pulling me into his arms. He kissed the top of my head as he lets me cry into his chest as he his whispering sweet stuff to me and playing with my hair.

"I can't do this anymore" I sniffled and held onto Niall tightly.

"I can pretend to love him when I don't" I admitted.

The loft door soon is opened revealing Scott who has his arms open with a warm smile on his face. "Babe, can I talk to you for a minute" he asked.

If I said no he would try and beat me so I nod my head, Niall leaves the room. "I'll be right outside that door of you need me" He whispers and brushed his shoulder into Scott.

"I'm sorry" I pleaded him and walked back as he was walking towards me.

"You told stiles" He gritted his teeth and then his fists slamming into my gut and shoulder I fall back and land on the cold hard floor as he picks me up by the neck and pushes me into the brick wall.

"I love you" he said still holding onto my neck. "But" he kneed my stomach. "You keep" kneed me again. "Going behind my back" he pushed me away.

The door bursts open revealing Niall and everyone staring at me. I wipe my mouth as the blood came up from my stomach.
He freezes at the sight of me on the floor, defenceless against Scott. His fists ball at his sides, eyes remaining on me, not knowing whether to attack or not. 

Niall charged towards Scott and managed to throw one punch at his jaw, but soon stiles held back Scott and Harry held back Niall. "Get out" Scott yelled at Niall and Harry.

"Not without Davina" Niall seethed.

"She's staying with me" He says helping me up and cuddling me into his side.

I held onto my stomach and cried. "No no" I mumbled.

I stood up and tried to run over to Niall but Scott had placed his arm out blocking me from going. Lydia then comes through and holds me by my arms. "Lydia?" I question her, she smiles at me.

"Go with it" She whispers.

I nod my head and Lydia gives Stiles the look and all the sudden the alarm goes off. I look over at Scott who looks at me but wish he never because Niall took a chance and punched him right in the jaw. Niall grabbed me and we ran out of the building and into Harry's car, Harry turned on the engine and zoomed off followed by Zayn, Liam, Louis.

"He's going to come back for me" I spoke.

Niall's hand held onto mine tightly. "He won't go near you" Niall sternly said.

I nod my head but instantly regret what I'm about to say. "He just lashes out like that, he doesn't actually mean to hit me" I spoke. "Like he does actually love me" I say.

Niall looks at me and screws his eyes close. "Are you fucking serious?" he yelled letting go off my hand.

"You never let me fi-" I was cut off my him.

"I don't need to let you finish, you aren't seriously forgiving him for that. He's dangerous and he will never change. He's a control freak and he's a selfish arrogant bastard'' Niall kept going on. ''He's no man, he's a monster'' Niall continues.

I let him go on. I just sit back and admire him. His blue eyes that have a lair of tears, his jawline moves every time he yells. He plays with his hands a lot and how he pulls his hair. He doesn't realise that I'm not listening to him, he didn't even notice Harry had stopped the car and got out. He was just focusing on his words to drill them into my head.

''NIALL'' I scream.

He turns to me questioning me with an look like he didn't want me to interrupt, i crawl and sit on his lap and caress both his cheeks. ''Shut up'' I sigh and attach my lips to his. 

The kiss lasted a lot longer than i thought it was going to last. There was no tongues, nothing. I pulled away and he looked at me and scrunched his eyebrows up. ''What was that for?'' He asked.

''For showing me that you do actually care'' I smile and wiggle out of his lap until he presses his hands on my waist firmly.

''I've always cared for you'' He said.

''I know'' I smile and hop off his lap. 

''uh so it's not the right time to ask you to be my girlfriend? or whatever i don't know how it all works out'' Niall nervously chuckled.

''take me out first'' I smile at him.

He smiled back, ''Deal''



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