Chapter 2

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(Jayceon in the mm)

Candice POV

I woke up with a massive headache. I don't remember anything that happened last night. I looked around noticing I'm neither home or at Trinity's house. I looked to my side and there's a man I don't know laying right next to me.

I panic and jump off the bed now noticing that I'm naked. What the hell happened last night? I knew exactly what happened considering the fact that I'm naked, but the thought of having sex with a complete stranger was definitely not something I would do in a million years.

I hurry and grab my clothes and out them on as fast as I can. I call Trinity and ask her to pick me up from the location I was at and she said that she'll be there in 10 minutes.

As I get off the phone I hear his voice calling me.

"Good morning! I ordered so-," I did not even give him a chance to finish because I ran out of the suite and out the hotel. Minutes later Trinity pulled up grinning at me as I got in her car.

I glare at her because she could of atleast stopped me from going anywhere with an unknown person.

"I don't even want to talk about," I tell her. "Just take me home please. I have a headache and I have work tomorrow morning."

The rest of the ride was silent besides Trinity's snickers. When I made it home I went straight into the shower. I tried to scrub the filth I felt like. 30 minutes later I got out the shower and dressed in some sweats with a crop top.

I grabbed a bag of chips in the pantry then sat down and turned on the episode I missed of Hit The Floor. I ended up sleeping for the rest of the day.

The Next Morning

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was one of my workers asking me to take her clients because she's sick. After getting off the phone I went to pick out an outfit for work. I chose a pair of jeans with white sandals, and a white tank top. It was 87 degrees outside so the outfit fit the weather perfectly.

Afterwards I hopped in the shower and washed for about an hour. After getting dressed I went down to the kitchen looking for something to drink. Weirdly I didn't really want anything there and had a weird craving for bacon. I don't even like bacon.

I drove to McDonald's and asked for their breakfast plate with more bacon. After eating my breakfast I drove to my salon.

I was greeted by everyone then went to my section. The bell rung on the door and a girl walked in. She was pretty but not all that. She had on a bathing suite top with shorts and black heels.

"Who she think she is?," one of my workers, Kiana said.

I started laughing at her comment then the girl walked over to me.

"What's funny?," she asked as she popping her gum.

"How may I help you," I said not even minding her attitude.

I'm not about to entertain this bitch.

"Look my boyfriend and I are going to the beach, so I need you to straighten my hair," she demanded.

This bitch just don't know that I will knock her ass out but atleast she paying. Who the hell does their hair when going to the beach? Isn't it going to get wet. Whatever that's none of my business.

As I'm doing her hair the bell rings again.

"Hey Keisha," a familiar man's voice said.

I turn around and it's a man I wished to never see again.


Thoughts on Keisha.

Who's the man that walked in the salon?

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