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What the fuck.
What the actual fuck.
Yes mum.
Yes Dad.
I am doing all of this for attention.
I developed an eating disorder
and severe mental illnesses
all for attention.
Leave me the fuck alone.
you don't understand
in the least.
You want the easy fucking solution
to why your daughter
is the way she is.
Well guess what?
death is sounding pretty great
right about now.
I hope you're happy
because now
I'd rather be dead
than hear the damn words
that you think comfort me.
Fuck you.
Fuck you for thinking that you
are good parents.
Fuck you
For questioning why I'm not okay
when you two don't even
say I love you to each other.
I'm sitting here writing this
sobbing uncontrollably
all for 'attention'.
Because that's why I'm in this hell
that's why I want to die
and that's why I starved
all for some

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