middle school.

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6th grade:
Confused views on authority and hormonal preteens.
Sending photos that showed too much of us because we were convinced that was the only way to get someone to love you.

7th grade:
Chubby cheeks and first kisses.
Skipping a meal to burn calories and to lose the baby fat that weighed us down, making us incapable to love ourselves.
We wrote on walls with tear stained faces like a clueless 3 year old holding the crayon.

8th grade:
Pimple faced with music blared.
3 days since food, 3 years in hell.
One month hospitalized for being too small and skipping food for the self worth I never received. Being released but wanting to go back, because I was scared of myself.

Middle School:
A place that made me want to kill myself almost everyday. A place that made food an enemy, a place that ruined learning for me.
A place that changed me in the worst way possible.

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