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- Tyler -

I was happy that Craig said yes, i have no clue what it is but something about him just draws me in... Maybe what happened at his house made me inquisitive but theres something else about the quiet boy who listens to music like its his drug.

The school day dragged on really uneventfully. For lunch the served meal was gross, so the gang and i ditched the cafeteria to sit outside on the little hill. After a good fifteen minutes or so we heard voices coming closer to us from the side of the building, Jonathan first appeared wearing his signature jason mask and blue hoodie, Luke (CartoOnz) came after him and finally Craig followed the pair with his headphones in and head down...

Jonathan and Luke were joking around and having a good laugh but i caught Craig looking at them, just once.. But once was definitely enough to see the anger captured within his dull, tired eyes.

- Craig -
(lots of pov changes sorry)

Luke came back today, i had accidentally forgotten that he was coming back. Just over a week ago his mum and dad got into a car crash, he was away because he was looking after them. i don't have anything against Luke, I'd even say that he's my friend but he is definitely a friend stealer...


It was lunchtime and Jonathan decided for us that we'd walk around outside so they could catch up on each-others lives. Whenever Luke is around Jonathan forgets about me, well it seems like that anyway...

I followed the giggling pair outside and we started the walk around the school grounds, i walked a few paces behind the two and glared daggers into the back of Luke's head. In short, i was jealous and filled with hate...

We were nearing the front entrance or the end of our walk when we rounded a corner and saw Jonathan's 'new' friends aka; the populars, who were sitting on the small hill that was to the left of the building. And Jonathan being Jonathan just had to shout out to Evan and make us go over to them.
I stood awkwardly as the pair sat down in the little group of friends, i didn't really fit in with these guys and to be honest i didn't really want to talk to them in person, they probably don't even know who i am! Even though i've gamed with them they probably don't know what i look like, apart from Evan and maybe Tyler...
"Craig, you wanna sit with me?" Said tyler, breaking me out of my thoughts. I carefully sat down beside the blue eyed man and pulled my headphones out, i have to at least be a little bit polite; right?

Everyone started talking together, conversing about random things and having fun. Me on the other hand; sat awkwardly beside a laughing Tyler, not knowing what to do. I think Tyler noticed because he started to try include me in conversations, which didn't really work out for us...
Yeah well, Tyler just embarrassed both himself and me, and made the situation even more awkward...

I stood up and signalled to Jonathan that i was leaving, he looked astonished that i actually stood to leave but didn't try to run after me or anything. What a great friend he is -.-
I practically ran away from the group their laughing echoed in my ears, pushing me to run faster because it sounded like they were laughing at me...

- Jack -

I walked out of the cafeteria, my only close friend Felix ditched me for some other group which really hurt. Tears sprung to my eyes as i shuffled down the deserted hallway, the silence making me even more sad. Suddenly i heard footsteps, someone was running towards me. They didn't sound like they were being chased or anything, actually i think i can hear sobs...
The steps came to a halt and i heard a bang, that person must've sat down against a locker.

I slowly rounded the corner and saw a teary-eyed boy, who's glasses were skewed on his nose and his mop of curly hair floofed up in a mess.

I recognised him as Craig Thompson, a boy like me.

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