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- Craig -

Jonathan and I had been living with Vanoss and his friends for a few days now, they had been slightly cautious around us and it had me kind of suspicious. None the less I was enjoying myself, I hadn't really ever lived in such a happy and family friendly place. The boys all treated each other and acted like family and if anyone got hurt they would almost go overboard on the treatment. We would joke and game a lot, school seemed like a distant memory for me since my parents stopped funding my education... I was thinking about dropping out anyways, school was just getting boring. Not many of the boys went to school, they had decided to partially drop out until the school rings and forces them to attend. Then they'd probably drop out officially.

I was in my room just chilling on my bed, a usual lazy Sunday with most of the boys out. I was checking some messages when I heard a loud band and urgent voices muddling together below me. Someone or several people had just come in the house.
I wrenched my door open and acquired my wooden baseball bat on the way down our large staircase. I prepared my little body for a large swing of my bat but I never needed to swing, in front of me was most of the gang surrounding someone slumped on the floor.
I peaked over Moo's shoulder and gasped at the sight,
The person was Jonathan.

{ Short chapter, sorry! }

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