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- Wildcat -

I groaned heavily and raised my hand to my head, the impact of my body hitting the ground had given me the beginning of a migraine and it hurt quite a lot. As my senses began to come back to me I heard the groan of another person, the quick breathing and hushed tones of two others were barely audible as well. From what I could tell I hadn't been moved, my RPG was still slung around my shoulder in an uncomfortable position and the hallway still stank of some ungodly oder.
I propped my body up on my elbows slowly, my headache getting gradually worse as I moved but I bit through the pain until I was fully sitting. "Wildcat!" Exclaimed a familiar voice from behind me, I soon heard the shuffling of clothes and Vanoss's mask appeared in front of me, his dark brown eyes sparkling with happiness that I presumed was for me. I looked around and noticed someone lying in front of me, the blue hoodie seemed too fam- "Delirious!" I tried to shout, I was shuffling around trying to reach him but Vanoss stopped my movements with his heavy yet calming hands. "He's fine don't worry, you two just happened to run into each other at quite a fast pace" he chuckled at the last part, "yes, it was pretty comical to be honest. You both went flying backwards and yelled quite loudly!" Exclaimed Jack who I just noticed was standing to the right of me, leaning against the wall.

We chatted for a while longer until Delirious woke up, his maniacal laughter filling the hallway after we told him what happened. He brought me into a safe hug and exclaimed that he was glad we - Jack and I, were okay.
After the heartfelt 'reunion' we led Vanoss and Delirious to Nogla, they were wary of Syndicate but gushed over Nogla the second their eyes caught sight of his wound.
The four of us managed (with Syndicate opening doors) to carry Nogla downstairs safely and out to the van. We managed to do it in about 10 minutes with sweat, laughter and vulgar language mind you, but we still did it.
Now the only men left to reduce were Basically, Ohm, Smitty and Scotty...

- Delirious -

The cool night air freshened up my senses and helped my mind calm down a little, the putrid smells coming from the club were very overpowering and being outside had made me feel a whole lot better. Knowing that Wildcat and Jack were safe gave me more faith, we can find the others, I know it. I thought to myself as I slammed the door shut, Evan glared at me for being so loud but I was in my own little world trying to figure out where they could be..

The four of us slipped back into the mayhem that was beginning to die down, the group as a whole decided to go upstairs the back way, like we did last time. I swallowed my nerves and followed Vanoss's figure through the dimly lit hallway, Wildcat was walking behind me with Jack at his side. I had a small feeling that something had happened to the two of them but shrugged it off when a group of Pewdiepie's followers blocked our path, we all cried out some sort of ugly battle cry before rushing to fight the men before us.


Hope you enjoyed the update! Sorry that its a little short, I didn't really have much time to write this week. Next update will be longer I promise :)

Stay frosty 👋🏼
- E

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