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- Third -

Mini had now advanced towards his mother, she was beginning to cower from his harsh words but deep down she knew he was right. There was no way her husband could've afforded all the lovely gifts he gave, all the cars and clothes he gifted to his 'loving' wife, and this small fact- made her vulnerable. An angry scowl was painted on her features but everyone in the room could sense her discomfort and could clearly see she was on the verge of cracking, Jonathan personally couldn't wait for that to happen- he wanted her to suffer for all the years she's put Craig through hell, she definitely deserves what's coming for her.

As Mini continued to peruse his mother he didn't notice her delicate hands inching their way down to the ground, she acted as if her energy had left her body and collapsed onto the floor- everyone just followed her with their eyes, not realising that she had grabbed a knife Pewdiepie had dropped beside her...
Arabella kept the same expression as she shuffled around slightly, getting the knife into a good position for usage. She has said that killing Craig was her goal and she was determined to complete it.

"You honestly don't strike me as a killer, you know why? Because you're to stupid, you wouldn't cover your tracks or research into the person you're going to murder and now that I think of it honestly, after all these years of you calling me a disgrace, I think you're the disgrace" Craig spat with venom laced in his voice, he was finally retaliating and loving every second of it.


Sorry that this chapter was late dudes, been sick all week and completely forgot about writing 😬
Also I think I may've broken the wrist, not sprained it.....
Check out my new vlog channel and my gaming channel too!

Love ya'll, stay frosty
- E

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