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- Tyler -

My jaw dropped as i continued to read the note that was stuck to my car, Craig had ditched me for someone else! This made me angry, why would he turn me down? Does he hate me? What did i do wrong?
I was stressing out so much that i texted delirious to meet up at my house, i needed to know more about Craig.

- Jonathan -

"Where is that god-damn hoodie?" I muttered to myself as i searched through the messy closet for my favourite blue hoodie. I slowly realised that Craig might still have it at his house, slightly angered i grabbed a random sweater, my shoes and keys before heading out to my motorbike.
Before i could set off to Craig's house i received a text; from Tyler.

'Jonathan! Craig has pretty much just turned my invite down for someone else! help! i'm feeling stressed and kinda mad :/ pls come over as soon as possible; my address is 154 trench place'

(a/n; made up his address)

I was mad at Craig. He never was rude like this, it could've been us at lunch? nah, couldn't be. But i was slightly freaked out because from what i knew, Craig didn't have any other friends...
Changing my course I headed off to Tyler's.

I arrived about ten minutes after i had received the text, hurriedly stuffing my phone into my pocket i ran up to the door and hastily knocked on the glass window. The door swung open revealing Tyler, with a strange facial expression resting on his features.

- Sean -

"Craig!" I shouted when i spotted the shorter lad standing beside my shitty locker, he looked up slightly jumping in the process but relaxing as he saw that it was just me. "Ready to go?" he asked with a smile, i grinned and nodded before grabbing the sleeve of his hoodie and leading him down the hallway.


"here's my house!" i said with a small smile, Craig gazed up at the small building. Living without parents has its ups and downs, having a smaller house is sometimes one of those downsides. I unlocked the front door and let Craig walk in first, he is a guest after all...

"Let me tell you my story before you say yours, i understand that you might not tell me everything but I would love it if you did because then i could help you" i quickly said, a small blush covering my cheeks. He nodded at me with a smile, indicating that i should start...

- Jonathan -

Tyler and i decided to find out who Craig was with, luckily i was a weird friend and had a tracker on his phone. Ya know, just incase something happened...
We followed the tracker until we came to a small house, rushing up to one of the windows we made our way around the house to find Craig and.. Sean?
I glared at the two teenagers, i had no clue that Craig would be friends with Jack or he's better known; Sean. I don't even know how it happened because just last week, Luke and i were his only friends. I guess you could say that i didn't really approve, there are so many rumours concerning Sean and not all are good...

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