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- Tyler -

I walked up to the doorstep of the Thompson's house, it looked hauntingly familiar but I shrugged it off. Knocking on the large door I stood waiting for their son to let me in before he fucks stuff up like they said he would. The door creaked open, revealing someone I wasn't expecting to see..
"Craig?" I whispered curiously, his face resembled a deer's. His eyes were wide in shock, he looked so innocent and confused. "Tyler? What are you doing here" he said with a shaky voice, "I-I uh was hired by your parents to.. Stay with you" I got quieter towards the end of my sentence as I realised what I was required to do, I had to stay with Craig for a couple of months...

- Craig -

I can't believe it, I'm honestly speechless. Mum and Dad got Tyler Wilde... as in TYLER FROM SCHOOL, TYLER WHO ASKED ME TO 'HANGOUT', TYLER WHO I IGNORED! I'm so fucked. so, so fucked.

I plastered a smile on my face, "oh well, come in then I guess" I said through slightly gritted teeth. He grinned at me before picking up his suitcase and walking into my house, leaving slight footprints on the perfectly clean carpet he headed over to the living room and collapsed onto the couch. "You've got a nice house, I never had the chance to say that before" he commented as he started to untie his shoes. I nodded, to busy focusing on the footprints he left on the floors to even comprehend what the man was saying. "I can't believe that today was the last day of school, pretty crazy right!" He said enthusiastically, I nodded because it was actually very scary. The year had gone ever so fast and I was definitely not ready for next year, the last year of high school.

After talking for a while I showed Tyler around the house, first taking him to the guest-room that he would be staying in and finishing the tour with my room. I have a strange feeling that this is going to be a long holiday...

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