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Day One
I stood there behind the counter watching as people walked in and out of the café. Holding their coffees as they walked out the door. Some of them arguing on the phone with someone and others just looking down at their phones checking every app they seemed to have.

The other people in the café sat at the tables scrolling through news articles on their computers, while more talked to people on their bluetooths as they looked at documents for work, and others just sat with headphones in watching videos.

"Hello," some spoke to me.

I looked up taking my hands out of the pockets of my green apron. "What can I get for you today?" I say quietly.

The woman looked at menu that hung above me. "I'll have a grande iced milk chocolate melted truffle mocha." She said as she pulled out her wallet from her bag.

"That'll be $4.99." I say typing her order into the cash register. The woman then handed me her credit card.

I took it from her hand and swiped it on the side of the register. I then extended my hand out with the card between my fingers. "Would you like the receipt?"

"Yes, please." She said placing the card back in the slot as she reached for the small piece of paper.

"You can pick up your coffee down at the next counter." I say sighing and sitting back at the stool I had behind the counter with me.

I looked down at the small digital clock I had under the counter. 1:30. I sighed, looking up as the bell to the door rang.

A boy walked in his hood on, hands in his sweatshirt pockets, phone hanging out of his front pocket looking like it was about to fall out. The boy didn't make eye contact with anyone. He slowly walked up to the counter, pulling money out of his pockets.

"Tall citrus green tea frappuccino." He said quickly leaving the money on the counter.

"Receipt?" I ask taking the money and placing it in the drawer. The boy nodded. As the receipt began to print I looked at the boy, yet his head still hung low. "Here you go."

He looked up at me. "Could I have a pen to borrow?" I nodded reaching out from under the counter. I slowly handed it to him. He gave me a slight smile and mumbled a quiet thank you.

I watched as he walked over to the pick up counter and then walking over to the two seater table by the window. He just sat there slowly sipping his coffee, then he set his cup down to write something on the back of the receipt.

Then he got up and left.


I stood sweeping the floor around all of the tables.

"Luke!" My manger yelled from the back. "When you finish bring me the money from the cash register!"

"Okay!" I yelled back looking at the table the boy had sat at. The receipt still sat there. I picked it up and on it was only the letter A. I looked at it confused.

"Luke!" My manger yelled again.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back folding the receipt and putting it in my pocket.


"Honey!" My mom yelled from the living room as I walked in. "There's dinner in the fridge for you. You might want to hear it up before you eat it."

"Okay." I say back to her walking into the kitchen as I kicked off my dirty black vans.

I opened the the refrigerator, took out the plate, then placed it in the microwave.

I pulled out the receipt again and stared at it until I heard the beep of the microwave. I then opened up the the small door and took out the plate. Then walking up to my room with it.

After I had finished I looked at the A. Still wondering what the boy could have meant. 

Note: another new story! I'm really happy about this one.

This is another amazing idea from queenskeleton

Please tell me your opinions on this!

All the love- H

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