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Day Three

I could see the judgement in the people's eyes as I sat at the table in the small restaurant. I knew what they were thinking.

"Depressed teen, probably suicidal." Wrong.

"Asshole teen, probably going to cause some seen and get himself arrested." Also wrong.

Everyone was wrong.

I sigh, pushing my hood down off of my head but kept my head down.

"Can I take your order?" The waitress asked me as she pulled out her small notepad.

I shook my head. "I don't want anything."

"Sir, you need to order something to stay here. We have more guests that need to be seated." She rudely spoke.

I looked up at her. She gasped. "Fine I'll leave. Asshole." I say standing up and forgetting to pull up my hood.

"Mommy; what's wrong with his face?" A young girl loudly spoke. Her mother that sat next to her put a hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry, young man. She just speaks without thinking." The young girls' mother said giving me a sympathetic look.

"I get it all the time don't worry." I say pulling my hood up and storming out of the restaurant.


I sighed, walking along the small streets of  the town. I stopped in front of a closed bookstore, I lifted my face in the blacked window and looked at my scarred and burned faced.

I then turned away and felt someone bump into my shoulder. "Sorry." I say quietly.

"It's okay." The person said running off in a hurry.

I looked down the street and watched the person that ran into me continue to run into the coffee shop. I smile and began to walk towards the shop.


I pushed the door to the coffee shop open, the bell ringing as I pushed it. I looked over to where I always sat and no one was there.

I kept my head low as I walked up to the counter. I sighed pulling the money out from my pocket. I looked to see who the cashier was and it was the boy, Luke. I smiled again.

"What can I get you? Tall citrus green tea frappuccino again?" Luke said smiling.

"Yes. Tall citrus green tea frappuccino." I say repeated.

"Alright. I can bring it right over when it's done." He said punching the price into the register.

I began to hand him the money, but he pushed it away.

"I'll pay for it." Luke said.

I looked up. "No, no. You don't have to."

Luke shook his head. "I'll pay for it."


I sat at my usual table keeping my head low and took out the receipt Luke had given me. I then wrote H.

"One tall citrus green tea frappuccino." A cheerful voice said.

I looked up, placing my hand over the receipt. "Thank you." I say quietly taking the cup from his hand.

"Enjoy." He said smiling and walking away.

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed. I looked back over at Luke one last time before I left.

Then I got up leaving the receipt on the table.

Note: uggghhhh this was terrible I'm sorry.

But what do you think of this story? I mean it's not like all the other stories where it's like they fall in love in like 2.6 seconds (haha basically half of my other stories)

Well, love you all!

All the love- H

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