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Day Four


That was his name. He was trying to tell me his name. I still couldn't put a name to a face, the only thing I knew him by was the sweatshirt he wore.

I lied the three receipts out on my desk as I got pull on my jeans and shirt. I sigh, only to hear my mom calling me from downstairs. I turned grabbing my apron and hat then walked into the hallway.


"I'm leaving mom!" I yell jumping down from the last step and walking towards the door.

"Luke! Wait!" She said rushing out to the small front hall and pulling me back from the door. "Honey, you need to pick up your brothers at the airport today after work. Their flight lands at 8:30 tonight."

"Why do I have to pick them up?" I say looking at her. "I'm already home at 9:30 or later every night."

"Your father and I won't be home in time to pick them up, and you're the only one who is available." She said sternly.

"This is why there's taxis and Uber, mom." I say rolling my eyes.

"Your brothers are not going home in a taxi or an Uber." She said. "Now, go you're going to be late!" She said pushing me out the door and closing it behind me.


I looked at the clock in my car and saw that I was already ten minutes late. I contained to speed along the side streets, trying as hard as possible to stay away from any traffic.

Yet, all the traffic had found me. I had hit every block in the road, every red light, and every person that seemed to on the road wanted to cut me off.

I pounded my fists on the steering wheel. "What the fuck!" I screamed pounding the wheel again.

It was 9:00 by the time I had pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant down the street.

I quickly undid my seatbelt and slammed my door as I got out of my car, locking it in the process.

I then began to sprint towards the coffee shop. I looked down at my watch as I ran, only to then collide into someone cause us both to fall down.

"Shit." I say grabbing my arm in pain. "I'm sorry." I sitting up.

"Why don't you watch where you're going asshole." The man yelled at me as he stood up and straightened out his suit jacket.

"You're the asshole!" I yell to him as he walked away.

"Are you okay?" A young woman asked me helping me up.

I nodded, even though I wasn't really okay. I pushed past all the people that stood around me.



"Where the fuck have you been?" My manger yelled at me as I walked into the shop.

"It doesn't matter." I said holding my arm, which was still in pain.

"You're twenty minutes late." He yelled following me into the back of the shop.

"I've had a bad morning, okay! I don't need you to add to being an asshole!" I screamed regretting what I had just said. I fell back into the chair what was behind me. "I didn't mean to say that."

"Get to work." He snapped.

I stood up putting my apron on and my hat. My arm still in pain. I walked up to my register, punched in my code and waited for Ash to come in.


The day dragged on and Ash never came in. I sigh looking at the clock, it was 8:30.

I sighed again as walked away from my register and walked into the back to clock out for the night.

"Luke, where are you going?" My manger yelled as I tried to walk out.

"I have to pick up my brothers." I snapped walking out the door and walked faster down the street.


"Ben! Jack!" I yelled out the car window as I rolled it down.

Both of their heads turned towards me a smile on their faces. They then walked over to my car, placing their bags in the trunk.

Jack sat in the seat next to me. "How's it going little brother?" He said messing up my hair.

I pushed his hand away, with the bad arm.  I winced.

"What's wrong with your arm?" Jack asked me concerned.

I shrug, turning on the over head light. Jack looked at my arm. "What happened?" He asked me placing his hands on my arm slowly and gently.

"I was late for work and was running down the street ran into someone and fell."

"Why do you have to be so stupid about these thing Luke?" Jack said.

"I-I didn't mean to run into him." I say stuttering. "I-I didn't mean to."


Jack told me that he would drive me to the hospital that night, since the arm seemed to bad to let stay the way it was overnight.

It had turned out that arm was severely bruised and fractured. The doctor had told me to wear a brace for one to two months until I could get it off and to know if the arm healed correctly.

Jack, Ben, and I all day in the car. Jack looked at me.

"Luke, when we get home you get straight to your room." Jack snapped. I nodded.


I lied there in my bed thinking about Ash.

I thought about where he was today. I wanted to see him.

I just hoped he'd come tomorrow.

That's all I hoped.

Note: anyone like this???

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All the love- H

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