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Day Two
I watched for the street lights to change as I sat in the drivers seat of my shitty car, that was pasted down to both of my brothers and then finally ending up with me. Yet, with the job I have it would take me over three or more years to possibly save for a decent car.

I pushed my foot on the gas as the light turned green. My car sped along the small side streets of Sydney turning at almost every corner to get to the coffee shop on Main Street.

I drove slowly down the crowed street trying to find a parking spot that somewhat close to the café, yet all of them were taken. I then found a spot in the back parking lot of a restaurant down the street.


I walked my phone in hand as I opened the door to the café and then holding it for someone as they were walking out. They smiled and I smiled back. They mumbled a thank you and I mumbled a you're welcome.

I sigh, pushing the small swinging door and walked back to the employees office. I opened the small fridge, that me and eight other workers shared, trying to find a spot to place my dinner in.

I sighed again as I pulled on my green apron, pinned my name tag on, and then putting on my hat. I placed my hands in the pockets and walked out to my register.


The day was slower than it had been the day before. The morning rush was over and the afternoon rush was coming to an end. I looked up at the clock 2:30, I then hear the chime of the bell.

I turned my attention to the door. It was him again, the boy that came in yesterday afternoon. He was still wearing the same sweatshirt, the hood still over his head.

He walked up to my register. "Tall citrus green tea frappuccino."

"Anything else? Pastry?" I ask.

"Tall citrus green tea frappuccino." He said again and sliding his money towards me.

I looked at him as I placed the ones in the drawer of the register. "Here's your receipt and your order will be out soon."

The boy didn't say another word to me. He just walked over to the same seat he sat in yesterday staring out the window for a minute then down at his receipt. He reached down to his pocket and pulled out the pen I had given him yesterday. He slumped down and wrote on the back of small paper, only to look out the window again.

"Luke," a voice called.

I took my gaze off the boy and snapped out of my daydream state. "Yes?" I said awkwardly.

"Go sweep the floors, I'll take over the register right now. Come back when you're done." Angela said pushing me aside.

I nodded and walked into the back grabbing the broom from the hook on the wall. "Sweep the fucking floors. Jesus, Angela that's your job for today not fucking mine." I mumble to myself as I swept the crumb and dust covered floor.

As I made my way over to the table that the boy sat at, I looked up to see he had left. I sigh looking at the receipt he left. I picked it up and read S.

I folded the paper and slid it in my pocket, then continued to sweep the floors.


My shift had finally ended at 8:30, later than I usually got out. I stood at the door with my manager as he locked the door and walked me to my car.

"Luke," he said. "Out of every place a seventeen year old could work, why at a Starbucks?"

I shrugged. "Only place that would pay me over $4 an hour." I looked down and let out a slight laugh.

"Good reason." My manger said laughing along with me. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Luke." He said getting into his car.

I nodded and continued walking towards the parking lot. I reached my hand inside of my jean pocket and pulled out the small silver keys, then placing it in the lock of the door to unlock it.

I then slumped in the seat, throwing my apron, name tag, and hat on the seat next to me. I reached into the pocket of my apron and pulled out the small paper.

I sighed now possibly knowing what the boy was trying to tell me.

Note: ayyyyyeeeee wow I updated again. Shocker. I'm trying to update everyday (almost everyday) again.

I'm emotionally attacked to this storyline I think... I couldn't stop thinking about writing the next part

Hope this part wasn't shitty.

All the love- H

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