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Day Nine

The boy that come yesterday night was all I could think of. He told me his name was Luke, he was 17, and for some reason he told me he worked at the local Starbucks. I didn't know why,but after he told me that he began to cry.

I had reached out my hand to hold his. Luke looked at me and began to cry harder. I had thought of what to say to him. "Luke," I finally said to him. "I promise you that I will try and remember everything we did together."

Luke had cried harder after I said that, but he smiled as he cried.

I had felt bad about making him cry, but before I knew it I was crying. Luke let go of my hand and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Luke, my ribs. Careful." I said wincing with pain.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He kept saying over and over as he wiped away his tears.

There was then a loud knock at the door which snap me out of my thoughts.

"Come in!" I say loud enough for them to hear me.

"Hello, Ashton." My doctor said pulling up a chair and pushing it to the side of my bed. "Now, tell me what you remember."

"All I remember is waking up here. But before that I remember my ex boyfriend beating m-" I paused. "I can't talk about that never mind."

"Ashton, please tell me what your ex boyfriend did to you." My doctor insisted.

I shook my head. "I can't."

"Ashton, do you want me to help you?" He said. I nodded. "Then pleas tell me."

"My ex boyfriend, Mark, abused me after I told him I didn't want to be with him. I've been hospitalized many times before, but nothing was as bad as this. Mark is wanted by the police for domestic violence, but he keeps saying he hasn't done anything to me. He tells me me that if I tell anyone he'd kill me next time." I say as the tears formed at the rim of my eyes.

"Hello?" I hear as someone opens the door. The doctor and I both look over.

Luke stood there holding a cup.

"Oh," he said seeing that the doctor was siting next to me. "I can come back later."

"No, you can stay. Ashton and I just finished." The doctor said standing up.

Luke walked closer to my bed with a smile on his face. "I brought you this."

Luke handed me the cup that he had walked in with. "What is it?" I ask before taking a sip of the drink.

"It's your favorite. A tall citrus green tea frappuccino." Luke smiled again.

I liked his smile. I want Luke to continue to smile for me.

"Thank you." I smiled back at Luke, causing him to smile again. "Luke, can you tell me about yourself?"

He thought for a second, then looked directly at me. "If I tell you about me will you tell me about you."

I nodded.

"My name is Luke. I'm 17. I live with my parents. I'm practically the only one who makes money for my family. My mom takes the money for herself and my dad takes his money to buy drinks." — Luke lowered his head— "But, I guess working part time on weekdays and full time on weekends doesn't really pay enough. I'm also trying to move into my own apartment, but my job doesn't pay enough for that either." Luke said looking at me again with his bright blue eyes. "Now tell me about you."

"There's nothing to tell." I say. "I mean you probably know everything."

Luke nodded. He looked down now suddenly saddened by something.

"I better be going. My mom is picking me up from here." Luke stood up and left a small piece of paper on my table.

I wanted to tell him that remembered having the conversation with him.

I remembered him.

I remembered most things hat had happened with Luke and I.

It was coming back.

It was coming back... slowly.

Note: hehe knowing me I'll ruin these happy moments with some bad ass shit that will ruin everything

All the love- H

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