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I stared at Ashton in shock. "Ashton?" I say squeezing his hand tightly, as though I was making sure it wasn't all just a dream. "Hey, come on wake up."

I sigh, after the numerous times that I shook his shoulders. I leaned back in the chair, feeling my eyes swell with tears. I tried to hold them back, but they forced themselves out.

"Excuse me, but visiting hours are over. Unless you are family, I have to ask you to leave." A woman said looking at me.

I nodded. "I was leaving anyways." I grabbed my coat off the back of the chair. I stopped next to the woman and looked at her. "He moved earlier when I was talking to him. His finger moved." I walked began to walk down the long hospital hallway, yet I turned back to look at the nurse. "If he wakes up or anything happens, call me." I pulled out a small slip of paper with my number on it.


"Where did you go for the rest of today!" My mom yelled as I walked over to the stairs.

"What I can't go out?" I say walking half way up the stairs.

"I'm not saying that! I'm just asking where the hell you were!"

"I was seeing Ashton!" I yell.

"Luke, that boy is fine! You need to stop obsessing over him!" She yelled at me.

"Mom, I'm the only person who actually cares about him! He doesn't have anyone else in his life!" I closed my eyes, and could feel my mothers eyes staring at me. "I only see him because I want him to know that someone cares for him! He was beaten by someone,mom! I just want to be there for him!"

"Luke," she said now sounding sympathetic to me.

"No, just-" I looked down, holding back tears. "Just leave me alone."

I ran up the stairs to my room, slamming the door shut.


I lied face down on my bed, the same way I lied when Michael had come earlier that day.

I thought about what happened to Ashton yesterday. His seemingly lifeless body, blood rushing from his head, chest, and arms. Then seeing his chest bandaged, his heart rate becoming low on the monitor, and his eyes closed.

I pushed myself up my tears hardened to my face. I cried harder as I thought about him.

There was then a quiet knock at my bedroom door. "Lukey, baby, please talk to me."

I didn't open the door. I just leaned my back against it and talked to her. "Mom, I'm scared."

"Baby, why are you scared?" She asked me. "Please tell me baby."

"I don't know." I say. "I guess I'm scared cause the one person that possibly cared about who I really was."

I stood up and opened the door to my mom, who had tears running down her face. I pulled her into a hug.

"It's okay baby. I'm here for you." She kissed me on the cheek and walked to her room still crying.

"What's wrong with you two?" Ben asked me leaning against his door frame.

"Nothing." I say wiping away my tears.

"You're both crying so something must be wrong." I rolled my eyes at Ben's response.

"Everything is fine." I turned back towards my room and closed the door again, only to then hear my phone ring.

It was the hospitals' number.

I answered it preparing for the worst to come. Yet all the woman said was.

"He's awake." Then she hung up.

I stood completely still my eyes fixed on the wall in front of me, the phone still to my ear. I snapped myself out of the daze and ran put of my room, down the stairs and out the front door.


"Let me through!" I yelled at the nurse who was blocking me from Ashton's room.

"Mary, let the boy in. He's Ashton's friend." Said a nurse who stood at Ashton's bedside.

The nurse, Mary, stepped aside and let me in. The other nurse who stood at Ashton's bedside pulled me aside from Ashton.

"I do have bad news for you." She said. "He has memory loss. He doesn't remember anything from at least the past week or so."

"You mean he doesn't remember me?" I say feeling as though someone had ripped out my heart and cut it into a million little pieces. "Can I talk to him?" She nodded.

I stepped up to Ashton's side and looked at him and he looked back at me.

"They told me about you." He said with a smile on his face.

"Do you really not remember me?" I say tears running down my face.

"I'm sorry, but I don't."

Note: okay well I'm on the verge of tears right now from just writing this.

I'm so happy right now because
1) Asylum has over 70k (which is fucking mind blowing to me)
2) Schizophrenia just got 2k votes today (which is also mind blowing omg)
3) I almost have 900 followers
Thank you for making these possible.

All the love- H

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