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Day Seven

I woke up crying and shaking. I looked around not remembering where I was or what had happened the night before.

I looked around to see where I was. I was on the bathroom floor with blood surrounding my head. I brought my hand up to my head. As I took my hand away my palm was covered in a rusty red color. I tried standing up, but my legs gave out from under me.

"Ash?" I heard a voice say. My eyes widened. The voice wasn't Mark or my mom or any of the doctors. I moved myself along the tiled bathroom floor and reached up to the door handle.

"Who are you?" I say peering out the small crack I made in the door.

"It's Luke." He said walking up to the door.

"Coffee shop Luke?" I question.

"Yes." He responded.

I opened the door so he could see me. He stared in shock. "What happened?" He asked pushing the door further open to walk into the bathroom. I watched as he grabbed the towel from the hanger and wet it under the facet. "Do you remember?"

He bent down and placed the cold towel on my forehead. "Why did you come here?" I ask as he pulled the cloth away from my forehead to see it had now been tinted with a reddish color.

Luke looked down. "My mom works here." He said looking at me. "I come to work with her on Saturdays."

I smiled. "You help out here?" He nodded hanging his head low.

He sighed. "I should be going." He began to stand up.

"No, please stay with me awhile. No one ever really visits me." I say looking up at him.

"Alright." He said reaching his hand down to me. "Take my hand."

I reached my hand up to meet his and Luke pulled me up, I held onto his hand tightly as he helped me back to my bed.

Once we made to the bed, Luke fell back into the chair next to me and I sat slowly on to the bed.

"Tell me about you." Luke says as he pulled his legs up to him. "I mean I've seen you almost every day and I don't know anything about you."

I stared blankly at him thinking of what to tell him. Everything I thought of I couldn't tell him.

I have an abusive ex who still thinks we're together, and he's the reason why I have burns and scars on my face.

No cant tell you that.

•I have no father because he was a douche and left my family with nothing.


•And I used to self harm myself then became 4 years clean, but then when my life fell apart I resorted back to cutting myself.

He'll just fell sorry for me and try to help me.

"I don't have anything to tell." I finally said after the silence. "There's noting to know about me."

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