04 | Thrones Turned to Ashes

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"Where do you suppose we are?" Edmund questions in the midst of the water battle, in which Lucy is clearly losing at.

    Peter raises an eyebrow as he splashes more aqua onto Susan, laughing, "Well, where do you think?"

    "I don't remember any ruins in Narnia," states Edmund. He gazes up at the ruin-scattered hill, flinches at the glare of the sun.

    On the rocky mass of stone sits a massive deal of wallflowers and moss. They feed on the remains of concrete, the remnants of a once palatial architecture.

    "Oh, could we explore it?" squeals Lucy. She sprints back onto the sand, sending a few drops sea flying onto Edmund's cheek. "Come on!"

    The siblings hike toward the ruins, discovering a sort of devastatingly weathered stairway that leads them to bars of rusted metal.

    "I wonder who lived here," says Lucy. She swings the gate open and is the first to enter, her gaze on the dozens of apple trees adorned with luscious and delectable fruit.

    Edmund plucks one from a low branch, admiring the beauty of its lavish red colour. He looks back up and tosses it to Lucy, but not before he performs a cheeky little trick.

    "I think we did," they catch Susan's gentle voice from the far end. Edmund rushes to her side in a hassle, Lucy's footsteps pattering on his heels.

    Susan stands gravely, a trace of confusion etched in her features, a piece of something in her palm. Edmund takes it from her grasp.

    A golden knight from a chess set it is, with a minuscule ruby eye the shade of blood to complement it's aureate shade.

    Like an arrow, a wave of familiarity shoots him in an instant. What's more, the other eye isn't found, and it's even on the very side Edmund recalls it to be on.

    "It's mine, from my chess set," he says.

    "Which chess set?" asks Peter, who comes up from behind and takes the item from him, rolls it between his fingers.

    "I didn't exactly have a solid gold chess set in Finchley, did I?"

    "It can't be," Lucy whispers after silence descended, skittering to a dais whilst beckoning for the rest to follow.

    Her prancing around and forcing him to go to her annoys Edmund all the time, but he runs to his sister nonetheless.

    "Don't you see?" she begins, positioning each Pevensie before what appears to be a throne from a series of four; at least, what little remains of them - nothing more than steps of cracked marble, that is.

    "Imagine walls," she points, her voice boiling with ebullience, "and columns there! And a glass roof!"

    Their imaginations begin to spur as they observe intently, not letting off any corner, any blemish or any detail. Images begin to appear, images of their past, memories of their time in the land they once ruled, the place dearest to them.

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