29 | Revisiting a Book With an Unfinished End

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Are you muddled by unanswered questions?

    I would assume so; I admit the previous chapters were ambiguous beyond words.

    To fully develop the picture of the unnarrated void fore the rescue, yours truly will have to make a detour along the timeline.

・•*.° ➵ °.*•・

    "I've missed you," he chokes on the words, "I've missed you so- so unimaginably much."

    With a prior stupor, she sinks into his embrace, eyes wide, arms weighed down by the reluctance to return the affection.

    She soon wrings his grasp from her torso, proceeding to stomp past and away from the boy swiftly, finding it a chore to comprehend the situation.

    "Hey," he yanks her wrist, "Say something, you're scaring me."

    The flare in her eyes and the bruises lining her skin is enough to make him drop her forearm from his grasp.

    "I'm bloody hallucinating," she says to herself, not curbing her movements but pressing her hands against her ears, "Again."

    "What are you saying?" he questions with haste. He paces before her and reaches for her hands, "It's me. It really is."

    She flinches before he could lay a finger on her.

    "Just get out of my head? All right?" she yells, "Why do you love to torture me?"

    "I-I- didn't mean t- I miss you so much-"

    "Quit whining about how you miss me, brother, because clearly, that's all an utter ton of bull crap!" she snaps, "Show up back home to prove it. Even your lifeless body would do. What we need is closure, not an image of you that's conjured by our minds that are driven to the edge by hope that your heart still beats on, somewhere beyond the bend!"

    "I-I'm- sorry," he expresses, his tone faltering, "Plea- no," he snickers at himself, "Who am I kidding, right? Who'd forgive me after all this ti-"

    "Shut up!" she screams, squatting a distance away with her head in her hands. Quaking as she weeps, with her back to him, she forces the words out of her throat, "I've had enough. Kill yourself, I don't know how to get rid of you when you're just a figment of my stupid imagination. Don't you understand? We would be happier now if you hadn't existed - no drinking, no beatings, no crying."

    "You what?"

    She shoots up from her prior stance, hands in fists, the pressure of her nails nested along the running cracks on her palm.

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