35 | Take Caution With Forgiveness

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She witnesses the witch crumble into nothing but smithereens of tainted ice, unveiling the Just King, sword raised, standing shakily yet heroically, behind where she once terrorised.

    As relief fills her up, so does a sense of assuagement arrest her throbbing body. A light-headedness intensifies and weakness wrecks every tissue within her - she feels as though she's lulled into a very deep stage of sleep.

    She hears Trumpkin mutter mangled apologies to his dear friend, Nikabrik, now dead under his doings, but the sound fades away quickly.

    The sticky blood that wraps her abdomen and the sensation of a lump in her chest from swallowing the tiny vial are sickeningly uncomfortable, but she can't bring herself to move even the tiniest bit to alleviate these feelings.

    Hold on, have I just mentioned that she's swallowed the vial in order to get rid of it?

    Yes, yes I have. And let's just pray it doesn't result in so big a hassle later on.

    With the sight of a fleeing Ezra restrained to the ground by an individual imprinted at the back of her mind, she drifts away.

    Then, a certain someone approaches her in a haste, speaking of the use of a particular cordial.

・•*.° ➵ °.*•・

    It isn't long before she sees the light again.

    The crescent in the night sky beams shyly at her from behind fragments of clouds, and the stars bend into streaks of light though her blurry eyes.

    Then, she senses that she is moving forwards. Indeed, she is, held snugly in the arms of another.

    Elliott shifts subtly to catch a glimpse of the person's features, and she won't say she's completely surprised when she notices a mop of dirty blonde hair against the darkness of the night.

    After all, she's assaulted the Telmarine and offended the Just King deeper than anyone can comprehend. This leaves Peter the only individual potentially strong enough to carry her, now with Ezra probably out of the picture.

    She guesses Ezra wouldn't care enough to want to hold her anyway.

    "Are you positive you don't require a break, Peter? Do you need my assistance?" she hears Susan.

    "You underestimate me, sister. And enlighten me on what kind of assistance you are able to offer?"

    "Well, you overestimate yourself. Most of the time," sasses Edmund, fore toggling into a tone of accusation, "I don't comprehend why you've grown to be kind to her, Pete. Days ago, you pressured her into battle for seeing mighty value in her ability."

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