23 | Mistakes Are Bound to be Made

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Her heart throbs steadily against her chest.

    She scans the solemn chaos before her: Glenstorm the centaur caressing the cheek of his love, skins a shade of cinna, an apt complement to the dull atmosphere and the soft goodbyes they share. He then ruffles the dark locks of the boy in front of him - his child, Rainstorm. "Tonight, we are comrades, my boy," he says.

    A few dwarves twist their backs to clapse that latch at their hip, with aid from their brothers when the metal parts were a little too rusty. They exchange firm pats on the back before they part their ways.

    A pack of mice engage themselves with some sort of ritual. Tails hung low and rapiers over their chest, they finish whatever they were mumbling with a delicate 'for Aslan'.

    There is nothing but muffled words and the occasional tink of metal parts in that hall.

    And when a faun loses his grip on his shield in his carelessness, everyone is sure to jump at the clamor that sounded. 'Would you be more careful, eh?' one comments, but none echos or responds to him. They have other matters to worry about.

    Matters like the impending raid.

    "Elliott, I think you missed a catch," somebody says to her. She pries her gaze from the faun, whose embarrassment is on full display on his flushed cheeks, and is greeted by the Gentle Queen.

    "Have I?" she scans her armour.

    "Here, let me help you," offers Susan. She reaches out and secures the catch at the side of her breastplate, "There you go."

    Elliott mutters a thanks.

    "I should be the one to thank you," replies Susan, in humility, "Thank you, for putting yourself at risk for us."

    She nods, "For Narnia."

    "For Narnia," repeats a minotaur, stationed nearby.

    Before long, 'for Narnia's are exchanged between most, if not all individuals present.

    Susan flashes her a small smile, "Stay safe out there."

    "Same to you, your Majesty."

    The Just approaches them, Elliott not taking note of this for her back was towards him. She is startled when he speaks, "Yeah, and I shall reiterate, don't expect that I'll come running in to save you on enemy's ground."

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