16 | Midnight Thoughts Aren't Cordial

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"Come to me, Edmund, dear. You really trust that you can win the war? Look at your 'army'! Narnia doesn't stand a chance! Since a certain feline's too spineless to take the weight of battle, then allow me."

    "You wish to waver me in the form of a delusion?" he mocks, doing a splendid job at concealing the quiver in his words, "Death has long crippled your veins. Get out of my sleep."

    "Oh, my king, I don't mean to brag, but I'm no dream! I'm an immortal soul," she coos, voice metallic and sweet, "Ha, a king should know his history more comprehensively than the creases on his palm: The sap of the silver apple I devoured in the Garden granted me eternal life! I'll be with you, watching you, tempting you, tormenting you!" she dramatises, volume swelling. She finishes with a hush, smiling delicately, like a beauty would,"Till the end of Time, dear child," she vows.

    "No," he mumbles, jolting awake. 

    "Ed?" calls Susan, shaking his shoulder, "Please wake up." 

    Dazed, he utters a 'huh', finding his head on his sister's lap. 

    "Please wake up. Please wake up," she pleas.

    He opens his eyes.

    Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.

    He speaks sharply, looking at her, "Su, as you can tell, I am-" But the vowels barely escape.

    And she is sobbing.

    "Edmund!" wails Peter. The same occurs with Lucy, sprinting toward him.

    For an odd reason, they all look oddly young and simply strange. 

    Please wake up. Please wake up. Please wake up.

    He sits up. Rather, he attempts to do so.

    A piercing ache strikes his torso, and he gazes down at the hand he instinctively moved to the spot. It drips with red liquid, warm on his algid skin. 

    This is him, suited in his first suit of armor.

    This is him, a shard of the witch's wand lodged in his flesh, hurting him.

    This is him, the first battle of Beruna playing out in front of his eyes.

    This is him, expiring.

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