31 | Strangulation by Blood Ties

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Shit shit shit.

    That is the only word that's been dashing through her mind since she's stepped into the How with a semi-conscious king weighing down her shoulders.

    The Pevensies were more than relieved, along with most of the Narnians, definitely, with the exception of some who were more concerned over the return of a supernatural presence than the state of their respectable king.

    She could only etch a plastic smile onto her lips as they sobbed in gratitude, wrestling the urge to throw up from shame as they embraced her and whispered 'thank you's in her ears. It was only after they came to learn that she was safe, of course.

    Well, never have they been so wrong.

    They were so caught up with the king's menacing wounds, not a person raised a brow towards the fresh bandages concealing her own.

    Elliott was contented with that level of apathy, though.

    She has the littlest idea how to justify herself, anyway.

    Plus, you wouldn't want anyone in the How to notice the bloody snowflake on her wrist that's snuggled under a white bandage, would you?

    Do you feel let down by her?

    She daren't think about the extent of disappointment she feels for herself. She feels pathetic as the lies flowed almost effortlessly off her tongue. Even though she knows it isn't right, that Jadis isn't good, she did it anyway.

    If someone were to interrogate her, question the reasons why she let her brother sink a sacred dagger into the flesh on her wrist to carve her into inescapable clutches, Elliott has all her answers ready.

    But did the traitors before her do it for the same reasons? she wonders.

    She fell into the witch's hands because she has something she yearns - no, something she needs, sufficient to distract her from questioning any sort of morality in submitting her mind, her body, her soul to an antagonist.

    Not forgetting her crisp 'yes' to saving Edmund from his cell-

    "Enough!" a holler sounds from the other chamber, and Elliott is certain it is Caspian who has spoken, "It was all me. I am to blame!"

    The conflict dissipates.

    "It wasn't any one else's fault but mine. The Kings and Queens of Old- it wasn't their choice to leave. It was Aslan-"

    "Then Aslan is culpable!" an individual throws out an accusation.

    Discord is sparked once more at the mention of the Lion, and the horrible thing is that some voices scream in favour of the treacherous statement despite the loudest protest from the Valiant Queen herself. Soon, even the Just puts his foot down to call out treason; a True Narnian will never malign the son of the Emperor-Beyond-the-Sea-

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