37 | Free Will Sparks All Complications

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Elliott feels powerless, so weak under the gravity of the unanticipated truth.

    Hysteria is climbing up her spine, and she feels so-


    So stupid.

    She should have known.

    Jadis supplied her brother with the knowledge, but witches cannot be trusted. 

    Why do I get everything wrong? A sourness pierces her nose, as when one is about to cry- again.

    The image of Ezra's very lifeless eyes impales the back of her mind. She squeezes her eyes shut, but this only makes the picture more distinct.  

    She never expected grief to feel so much like fear.

    Elliott soon snaps -  she doesn't want to sink something into her heart just for the sake of returning to Oxford any longer.

    She wants to do it even with the awareness that it may be for real. 

    Ezra could be home. Or he could be dead- she doesn't know. But she'd rather take the path he took - then she'd be subject to the same consequence. 

    Good or bad, they will end up on an identical course. 

    Only, Elliott isn't afraid of dying. 

    She isn't afraid of going to sleep and never waking up - it's not all terrible, she thinks, I won't even realise that I've perished. And if true death doesn't mean a void, but shall lead her on to an Afterlife, then Ezra - and her father - will be there, where ever it may be, and her mother will soon be. Just what else should she care of?

    So, good or good, she concludes, feigning confidence.

    But if she, someday, returns unscathed like how the Pevensies once did and finds that Ezra hasn't been home at all- how can she ever deal?

    There will be no fat hope of 'rosiness' after this storm, as is the contrary of what Queen Susan painstakingly attempted to get across to her through her heartfelt speech.

    The kings and queens were miserable enough when they were thrown back to where they belonged, she's learnt.

    She will be even more so, if Ezra turns out to be dead.

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