15 | Old Promise of Protection

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She can't even return to the How now. She has the littlest knowledge of how to face the king or anyone else.

    She begins to loathe the notion of being alive all together.

    She's always considered calamity as her loyal follower. Now, she has learnt otherwise:

    She is tragedy.

    And there's just no other plausible explanation for this except for that the heavens must despise her vehemently - for whatever the rationale. Hence, she is casted into a life likened to a boiling pot of blood.

    Everything she's put through is nothing but torture. Everything she brings to others is nothing but absolute hell.

    Now, not only has she done it to a pack of innocent wolves, she's even done it to a king.

    It can't get anymore awful than this.

    If they aren't caught in a looming battle, she can very well be thrown into a dungeon.

    But she was just so furious.

    She's suffered sufficiently since she awoke on this land. In contrast, the kings and queens are blessed, blessed to have each other to lean on, to validate what is authentic and what is not.

    And though they are royals, they are normals - as opposed to her.

    She is a monstrous freak.

    She didn't require him to remind her of the agony. She comprehends, crystal clear, that she can deprive the essence of life from every being that she lay her hands on.

    When he likened her to a witch, the witch, she cracked.

    Just like that, the words 'you're a traitor' came spilling from her lips.

    Mother was right. Maybe her lips should have been sewed shut after all. Then she wouldn't be in this utter crap.

    How does he manage to do it, though? Speak of his ugly past as if it is a petty matter, as if he so boldly desires to flaunt it.

    And that stupefying outburst, his cold eyes - though they were a warm umber - so intense she felt like his glare pierced into her core; it was so very paralysing.

    She can still sense the sting of his algid blade nipping at the thin skin of her neck, along with a delicate tingle, as if water is evaporating from her skin.

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