38 | The King's Broken Mirror

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"Don't speak," says Edmund, words curt, fore the girl even says anything else, "I'm only here because it happens to be my shift to keep surveillance on you. Or rather, my turn came to an end about fifteen minutes ago."    

    A low growl from the wolf fills the pause between his sentences.

    "I'd appreciate if we can make a return to the How. Else, I cannot call upon the next individual without leaving you alone here, for which I shall be overmuch reprehended by my sister, the Valiant Queen."

    The consternation the girl is perceptibly experiencing in his presence causes a tinge of amusement to surface on his vast ocean of acrimony. Yet, the alteration in his emotion is quickly washed away by a wave of riled voices in his head. 

    She visually awakens your memories of Jadis, boy, it says. It is true, though perhaps an unfortunate coincidence in heredity, Elliott does have locks that are almost a snow-like shade of blonde in the sunlight and emerald eyes that look as if they are capable of maliciousness if she tried hard enough, just like the witch who manipulated winter. I believe this fact has already been mentioned on a couple occasions, and Edmund had brought himself to fully accept it just some time ago. Yet, the recently procured snowflake-shaped scar on the inside of her wrist remains purely distasteful to look at. 

    Deep within the centre of his chest, furor is rekindled from the ambers again.

    She chose to hand herself to the White Witch with adequate knowledge that Jadis isn't good for Narnia, the voice carries on. Her brother may have been misled, but she shouldn't have given in. She should have salvaged Ezra; she could've requested for his family's assistance at the time, not let him drown her in the blindness of evil. Just- what were their intentions? What did her words regarding the prophecy mean? Which side is she on?  Edmund is befuddled by this, and if there's one feeling other than guilt that he despises, it has to be insecurity.

    She is well aware of how you rip yourself to shreds when it comes to anything related to the White Witch and treachery. You thought she might've cared? Don't be silly now, the-all-perceptive-Just-King, the best part of all this is that you thought she was a friend!

     His eyes tail Elliott's every move while she stoops down to help the wolf find its calm. Can I ever trust her again? The question echos in his head.

    A warm shiver tickles every nerve in his body as he comes to terms with one terrible idea - if this is how he thinks of her, then just how does everyone around him perceive him?

    He is bigger of a traitor, isn't he? Betraying his family for what- sweeties? And power? Yes, the Turkish delights may have been said to be enchanted, but upon his countless reflections, he has been convinced that the mention of Aslan's name by Mr Beaver at Beaversdam alone was more than sufficient to serve as the antidote to Jadis's blasted alchemy. Yet, he didn't hold back when he knew for a fact that he shouldn't have done it.

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