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Dear Camila,

Teenagers. It's so weird to think that we once were one ourselves. We were so young, naïve, so reckless. But most importantly, when a teenager is in love, they fight for that love no matter the cost. That was me with you. I was always fighting to be the best for you that could be and you were fighting to be the best for me that you could. We loved each other equally, and we both knew it.

When Bella was about sixteen, she brought home a boy named David. At first David seemed like such a nice boy. He was respectful, had a college scholarship from being in soccer and he knew exactly what he wanted to be. He wanted to be in the military. You yourself couldn't help but like him.

Watching them together when she brought him over the first time to meet us, I saw us in them, so in love and just so wrapped up in each other. It made me smile to myself to know that our beautiful daughter had found someone who made her happy.

As time went on and he came over more often, I started to notice signs of him controlling Bella. Told her she wasn't allowed to hang out with her friends at the movies and that she couldn't hang out with her guy best friend, Jason. He also started having an attitude towards me. I started to dislike him, but I never told Bella.

One night, I was out with you at a Bar for a good time and as we drove home you pointed out David to me. He was sitting on the side of a lake nearby with a few buddies, drinking. He had his arm hung around another girl and he was leaning in. He kissed her.

When we finally told Bella she could no longer see David, her eyes filled with tears like she had just seen a puppy get run over. I knew that it was heartbreaking for her and that it seemed so unfair and that shecouldn't understand why, but I knew it was for the best.

"I HATE YOU!" I heard Bella scream at you from behind her bedroom door. I didn't open it. I just stood there, listening.


"Bella.." You started "It's for the best, honey"

I heard something crash against the wall. I peered through the crack of the door and saw it was just a picture frame.

"I loved him mom" She said quietly.

"I know" You had told her "But...he wasn't your Lauren"

"What?" She asked.

"Your mom and I," You paused "We were meant to be together and I believe that. He wasn't you Lauren. He's not your future. You guy's weren't meant to be together. You'll find him one day. Or her. When you find them, you'll know" You told her.

She was quiet for a while and I sat against the door frame until you guys came out. You wrapped me in a hug as she went downstairs.

"She's just like us" You told me, your face wrapped into my neck.

I hoped and prayed that night that even though this was a storm that she didn't enjoy, that soon a sunnyday would come and she would enjoy life like you and I do. She deserved that.


Lauren Jauregui

Dear CamilaWhere stories live. Discover now