1 | Cheddar's

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"Can you please hurry up? I don't even wanna be here. I wanna go home and sleeeeeep.." I whined to my best friend. I had been standing in the crowded waiting area of Cheddar's for at least 45 minutes. Who would willingly wait this long for food when there are restaurants that have much shorter wait times? Oh, that's right, apparently EVERYONE.

"Oh my gosh Chase will you shut up. You literally have no life. You should be thankful that I'm forcing you to do this. You're welcome."

"You are LITrally THE rudest person i have ever met."

"Love you too, sweetcheeks."

"Sophie, seriously...how far away are you?"

"I'm pulling into the parking lot, chill."
And she just hangs up.  It's Friday night and I've just gotten off of work like an hour ago.  I rushed straight here because I thought she might have actually been on time for once in her life. SIKE. I'm exhausted and I just wanna go home and snuggle with a blanket while eating coffee flavored Bluebell ice cream and watching Parks and Rec wishing I had a boyfriend. Basically....I wanna do what I do every day. My name is Penelope Chase Westin, everyone calls me Chase, and I am a 19 year old college student who works as a pre-k teacher's assistant. That's about as good as life gets for me.

"Chase, party of two!"

As i hear the obnoxious yell over the pointless chatter of about 72628282 people shoved in this restaurant, I hand the hostess my buzzer thing and follow her to my table. It's a booth next to the bar.

I sit for at least thirty minutes letting my eyes wander from the hot guys that I'll never see again and the random sports playing on the TVs. Then, I realize Sophie lied when she said she was pulling into the parking lot. I would be mad, but I've learned to not care over the years. Sophie and I met in 9th grade and I call her Soaps because she stubbed her toe on the corner of a desk and yelled the f bomb. The substitute that day threatened to wash her mouth out with soap and I've called her Soaps ever since. We bonded over talking about boys and making lame biology puns together because that's how cool we were. Sophie is the pretty, outgoing, social butterfly that gets invited to the parties and stuff. She's about 5'5 with pin straight shoulder length light brown hair, big green eyes, super cute tan skin, perfect teeth (thanks to the braces of 10th grade), that sweet southern drawl, fit body (stupid metabolism), and freckles. She was perfect. She always got the boys and I honestly couldn't complain. If I were a guy and I saw the two of us, I would go for Sophie too. Me, on the other hand? Total opposite. I'm the awkward, socially anxious,  ok-looking best friend that kind of dwells in the shadow. I've always been a pint-sized little munchkin. I have been the same height since 7th grade. I'm five feet tall. Point, blank, period. No inches or anything. I'm just short. It honestly isn't bad though. I never have to worry about a guy being shorter than me, not that I would have a guy anyway, but you get my point. I have brown curly hair (shoulder length when straight), my teeth aren't perfect but they're not jacked either, my cheeks are huge, I wear glasses, I have pretty average brown skin, and that's pretty much it. Nothing special, just plain old me.  My thoughts were interrupted by my gorgeous but terrible (kidding, love her) best friend.


"No. Shut up. You're late. It's freaking 9:45, Soaps. You said 7:00."

"Chase, can you let loose for once? I hate seeing you like this. You're so............boring. So what it's 9:45? It's FRIDAY NIGHT. No classes, in the morning, just chill."

I guess she's right. I don't have many friends so I usually just hang alone and since I'm always alone, I'm used to being able to control everything.

"Sorry, Soaps. I just...i don't know. You're right. Im gonna have fun tonight. We're gonna act like this is 9th grade and we're gonna laugh at stupid stuff and talk about boys that we see and we're gonna enjoy it."

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