9 | Brownies for His Brownie

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It's just another Friday morning. Waking up super early to spend my day with adorably crazy toddlers and anticipating the weekend. The only thing that has changed is that i now have a boyfriend that i happen to like very much and im gonna miss him. He has classes today and he's gonna have to go to work at around five. Im gonna be here at work while he's in class so there's that. Pulling into the parking lot of the elementary school, i brush my curls out of my face and brace myself for the day ahead of me. I love my job, don't get me wrong, but i just feel like sleeping today. I don't know why im so exhausted but i am. Maybe it's because it's so early in the morning. Maybe it's because i forgot to pack a lunch. Maybe it's because my stomach kinda hurts and my back is a little sore. Either way, im not in the mood for dealing with kids right now. Hopefully, this funk will wear off when the kids - also known as my best friends - start coming in.

When I walk into the classroom, i am immediately greeted by Mrs. Kelly. When the really bad kids get upset, they call her Ms. Smelly. Kids are mean...

"Hi Chase! How have you been?" She chirps in her usual cheery Mrs. Kelly way. We hug and she goes back to looking through stuff on her desk.

"I've been great, how about you? Has Mr. Kelly budged about the whole puppy situation?" She chuckled and asked me to get out the paint and aprons before answering my question.

"Chase, I told you to call us by our first names. We're not that much older than you. But, i think John is coming around to it honestly." I ignore her scolding me about the name thing and continue placing an apron at every seat as well as paper towels and a cup of water. Mr and Mrs. Kelly, or Johnathan (John) and Lindsey as they prefer, are both in their late twenties and they are my life goals. They were high school sweethearts and they stayed together through college even though they went to different schools. Now they're happily married and financially stable with only minor relationship problems. I met them at a school event, i think. I don't remember why we started talking but we did. That's how i found out she needed an assistant in the classroom. Anyway, she's been trying to convince her husband that they need a puppy to prepare them for future children. However, he sees right through her scam because she works with toddlers for a living. What other practice could she need? He knows she just wants a dog to have a dog.

"Oh really? And how do you know he isn't just trying to get you to stop talking about it?"

"Easy. He doesn't argue that much about it anymore, PLUS i found dog breeder websites in the computer history." I just laugh and shake my head as she winks and finishes setting stencils and paper out.

At around 7:45, the kiddies start rolling in.

"Chase!!" My little buddy Zach screamed as he walked in. I lowered myself to his height and picked him up in a hug. If i absolutely had to choose a favorite student, it would be Zach. He's just the cutest thing in the world. He's always happy and he has dimples, who doesn't like dimples?

"I missed you, dude! Whatcha been doing?!" And then he was off rambling about toys and superheroes and macaroni and all the other things that make being a kid fun.

"Awesome! You're gonna be a big boy today, right?" He nodded eagerly and ran off to his seat next to his friends. That little dude is my homie for life. He tells everyone im his girlfriend, it's adorable. Even though he claims he only has eyes for me, he always shares his snacks with a little girl named Emma. She's also adorable with her big green eyes and long dark hair. She's a sweetheart, kinda quiet tho.

At around 8:00, all the children were present and class started. This should be fun.

This is not fun. It was only 12:00 and i've already dealt with more than enough to last me a lifetime. Zach kept asking for more paint because he kept giving Emma all of his. A little boy named Joshua kept screaming after every stroke he made in the paper. Kaylie wouldn't stop playing in the dirty paint water. Inevitably, there were a million spills that i had to clean up. As the teacher's assistant, im basically entitled to all the dirty work while Lindsey laughs at me. Three year olds really don't know how to keep the paint on the paper.

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