8 | Wanted

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Two weeks later...

I sluggishly walked across campus towards the library to finish this stupid journalism assignment. As much as i love writing, i really hate writing. Or...maybe im just lazy. Either way, homework sucks and so do Mondays. On top of all of that, Chase and I have barely seen each other because of our schedules. Occasionally, we'll grab lunch together or see each other in passing but most of our communication has been over the phone. She works Thursdays and Fridays, maybe Wednesdays from morning to around noon because she only has two classes on Thursdays, one starts at 1:00 and the other at 4:00. Then, on Fridays, she works morning to maybe 3:30ish because she doesn't have classes at all. Our class schedules basically shit all over our developing relationship because when i don't have class, she does and whenever she has class, i don't. Not to mention all this crap the professors are assigning.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, i bump into someone right in front of the library doors.

"Im sorry." I say half heartedly before recognizing it's Sophie. Im glad it's her because now i'll have company while i do my work. I would ask Chase, but her last class doesn't end for another hour.

"You better be. Don't make me kick your ass in front of all of these people, Norman." She teases. I just rolled my eyes and hugged her with one arm holding her head to mess up her hair. That earned me a nice slap to the chest.

"Norman....i don't have to like you just because Chase and Aaron do." I stuck my tongue out and walked inside the library with an annoyed, ranting Sophie. As soon as we found a table, laptops and notes covered the surface of our work area.

"So...why do you look so bummy again?" Sophie asks while taking out a pen and logging onto her computer.

"Because it's fucking Monday and my first class was at 8. Besides, i haven't seen the only person i care to impress in a while and i miss that someone. Any other questions?" She looks at me blankly and rolls her eyes at my response. Realizing how snappy that was, i quickly apologize and blame it on the fact that im tired.

"I don't know why you think i won't slap you." She said in a scarily calm and threatening voice. I groaned because she's always so mean to me. Even though i deserve it like 99.999999995% of the time. But, that's not the point.

"Why do you insist on being so rude to me?"

"Me? Im the rude one? Im sorry that you have early classes on Mondays, but Mr. Norman, i did not make your schedule. Therefore, don't take your lack of sleep and lack of Chase out on me." I pouted knowing that she would feel at least a little bad. I mean...who can resist this face?

Apparently...Sophie can.. She just ignored me and continued to do her work. So, of course, i let out a loud groan and started doing mine too. I hate Mondays.

"Yeah, i really like it out here. Im having a lot of fun."

"That's good, im happy that you're having fun. I hope you're staying focused, though. How are your grades looking?" I rolled my eyes because of course my mother would ask me that, she's a mom.

"They're good, ma. Im just ready for finals so that i can have a break because i am drained." She hummed in response and i just continued hauling my backpack across campus. I don't even know where im going, im just tired of studying and im tired of assignments. It's like every time i think i have an ounce of free time, i remember an assignment or a test to study for and honestly, i really miss Jace. We try to facetime sometimes before bed but we always end up falling asleep or cutting it short because of other things.

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