6 | Accidentally on Purpose

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We had been at the mall for at least two more hours now and we were starting to get tired. Aaron was carrying all of Sophie's bags and Sophie on his back while she was practically asleep. They're so cute, so of course i put them on snapchat. She's totally gonna kick my butt for it but it's whatever. Jace and i were walking hand and hand. He offered to carry my two bags (he still hasn't seen his bear yet) but i said no because im not that kind of girl and it was only two bags.

"Hey, Jace, what time is Jacob's party tonight?" Aaron asks. Jace puffs his cheeks out and searches his brain for an answer. I see that it isn't necessarily working out for him so i suggest that he just look at his phone.

"You are so smart oh my fuck babe thanks." He kisses my cheek and i feel like his response was a bit sarcastic but i'll take it. We continue strolling leisurely. I don't even know where we're going anymore, but we've passed Pink and Victoria's Secret like a million times. Sophie lost her mind in there. I understand that Pink clothes are cute but......there is no reason for one hoodie to cost almost, if not exactly, $50. That's ridiculous. Hashtag sorry not sorry.

"Uhm, it starts at 11. However, i don't wanna be on time so we're gonna get there at like 11:30." I look at Jace trying to find the logic in what he said. He looks back at me. "What?" I just laugh and shake my head.

"What time is it now?" Time for you to get a watch, Aaron. Gosh.

"It's almost 6:00." I answer because why not be a good person? And, i figured Jace would just take forever.

"Thanks, pip squeak." He starts laughing at his own joke and i glare at him. Jace starts to chuckle as well but when i shoot him the same look he tries to cover it with a cough.

"Had a little uh tickle in my throat." He points to his bicep and clears his throat again to add emphasis. I just roll my eyes.

"That's not even your throat, genius." He blushes and looks down. Ok, that's funny.

We pass by the door and Aaron speaks up, setting Sophie on the ground.

"Alright, gentlemen-" i chop him in his neck for referring to both Jace and i as gentlemen and he starts coughing. Jace starts laughing so hard that it's silent. I just smile sweetly and he glares. "Like i was saying, we're going to head on out. Sleeping Beauty is obviously ready to go. So i'll see you later, JACE." He said Jace's name extra hard to exaggerate the fact that he wasn't saying bye to me. I rolled my eyes again. I hate him. We watch them walk out then turn to each other.

"What do you wanna do now, gorgeous?" Aaaand cue the blushing.

"Shut up. Uhm, i kinda just wanna chill out until the party ya know?" He nods and we walk out into the parking lot. This is so nice. Im not gonna say anything cheesy like "ohhh, our hands fit together perfectly" because i mean it just feels like we're holding hands. I do feel really happy tho, kind of nervous or jittery. I don't know how to describe it. He just makes me happy. OH kind of like when you have one of those double shot espresso drinks that Starbucks makes! I hear Jace chuckle.

"What are you thinking about? Your facial expressions are killing me." I laugh and bite my lip.

"Nothing." He leans down and gives me a noisy kiss on the cheek. We were walking to the car just swinging our hands together. Jace would trip occasionally and i would tease him about his huge feet.

"Would you be uncomfortable if i kissed you?" He asks randomly. I choked on my oxygen.

"Excuse me, hwat?" I asked putting emphasis on the h. He laughs and licks his lips.

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