11 | Meeting the Family

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Our first argument was pretty intense to say the least. So, before we pulled out of the parking lot, i made sure to check on Chase one more time. I acted like an asshole, whether she deserved it or not, and the last thing i want is for her to drive three hours upset about that rather than fully focusing on the road.

Putting my last bag into my trunk, i strolled over to the adorable little Mini Cooper. Chase was in the front seat putting my address into her phone. (Her phone is connected to her car because she "hates car gps systems.") Knowing she wouldn't have locked her doors, i get in on the passenger side. She jumps a little bit and i smile.

"Goodness. You could have knocked." I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"Maybe you should start locking your doors then. God forbid it's not me who unexpectedly pops in next time." She rolls her eyes with a small smile just enough to display sass but not enough to look irritated.

We sit in silence for a while, me just looking around and her on her phone.

"Sooooo..." i say to break the silence. She just looks over at me.

"We're ok right?" I continue. She nods and looks away. "You sure? You've only said one sentence to me in the past 15 minutes. You aren't even looking at me." Silence.

"Chase, baby...talk to me..." I could see her eyes start to water and i honestly felt bad for prying but i want to make sure we're completely ok before we get to my house. My mom has a superpower that allows her to somehow know everything and the last thing i want is to formally introduce my girlfriend to my family while trying to put on a fake front when we aren't actually in a happy place.

Running my hands through my hair, i sigh and lean back in my seat.

"Okay let me start by saying this: i am aware of how absolutely ridiculous i am. Im sorry. Im sorry i suck at girlfriend-ing and stuff and im sorry that we keep having to get sappy and serious. You know i hate being serious." I chuckle at her.

"I know. Your goofy ass can barely be serious right now." She laughs at that then tries to cover her mouth to cover it up.

"Shut up. Let me finish, butthole." I poke her neck only to be swatted away.

"Ok so what im getting to is...i obviously don't make the best decisions. For example, im used to keeping things in because i've never had to consider the fact that my issues may affect someone else or just simply because i never had to prove trust. I need you to be patient with me-"

"Chase, if i didn't know i would have to deal with your adorably absurd mind scenarios that you come up with via overthinking, i wouldn't have asked you to be my girlfriend." She groans and rolls her eyes.

"No, stop interrupting. I mean, like, not only stay with me but you have to help me because i am a creature of habit and i won't change these things on my own." I lean over the console and kiss her.

"I am trying to tell you that i already knew this when i asked you to be my girlfriend. Im not going anywhere and i will never not be there for you." She looks in my eyes for a little bit.

".....you couldn't just say 'always' instead of 'never not'?" I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, smart ass. I will always be there for you."


Three hours later and im pulling up to my parents' house with Chase right behind me. As soon as i stepped out of the car, my little sister came barreling out of the front door.


"KOLBY BEEAAAAAAN!" I ran to the driveway and picked her up and started kissing all over her face. Of course, like a 14 year old girl, she started groaning and trying to get down. When i did finally let her down, i was encompassed in a back breaking hug.

"Hey mom!" She was talking a mile a minute saying how much she missed me and how she's glad i had a safe trip and how much i've grown. After wheezing a bit, she got the hint and let me go with a huge kiss on the cheek. I see my dad laughing in the back and i walk over to him. He settles for a "bro" handshake.

"I figured you might need a break after all that lovin'. I'll get ya later tho." I laugh at that.

"Thanks dad. Wow....it's great to be home." My dad raises an eyebrow and whispers...

"You gonna introduce us to your girlfriend or what? Poor girl looks terrified." I look over at Chase who's standing shyly at her Mini Cooper playing with her keys. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Alright guys, behave. She's kinda shy so don't ambush her like you did me." As i walked back to the cars, i heard my mom trying to boss everyone into position as if they were about to take a family photo.

"Why are you over here like you're in timeout?"

"What was i supposed to do? Yall were havin yall's lil family moment. Either way, i would've been standing awkwardly to the side." She answers rolling her eyes. I just give her a quick kiss and grab her hand pulling her up to the porch.

"Wait wait slow down, does my hair look okay? Of course it doesn't ugh why did i dress so bummy." She whispered. I chuckled.

"Maybe because you were gonna be driving for 3 hours and you wanted to be comfortable? They don't care. I promise. You are gorgeous." She smiles at that and squeezes my hand as we approach my family. Kolby looks like her face is gonna split in half because she's so excited. My mom looks like she's about to cry and my dad is literally the only normal one.

"Mom, dad, Kolby, this-" I bite my lip and just try not to say something rude because she cut me off.

"OMG finally! He talks about you all the time i've always wanted a big sister and you're so pretty but not like overly prissy like we're gonna have so much fun together wow Jace 10 out of 10, you're not as dumb as i thought. Im Kolby by the way!" Chase smiles and laughs softly going to shake her hand but Kolby pulls her into a hug and Chase just laughs harder.

"Hi! It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about you too.  And Mr. And Mrs. Norman it really is a pleasure to meet you guys." I could tell that she was nervous. Crazy girl.

"Oh hun, you can call us Scott and Nana!" I laughed as Chase looked apprehensive about that.

"Mr. Scott and Ms. Nana?" She negotiated. My parents laughed.

"Oh, you're adorable. Why don't you hand Jace your keys so he can get your stuff. Come on in, we have a lot of food because Jace and Kolby already eat a lot, and according to him, so do you." My dad says leading everyone inside. I saw Chase blush and shoot me a glare. I just winked back and went to get our stuff out of the cars.

This should be a pretty fun month.

Word Count: 1258

I am a load of trash, i know. Im sorry lol. I didn't know what to write and then i kinda just stopped but im back. QUESTION, for anyone who still reads this, would you rather longer chapters and slower updates or shorter chapters and more frequent updates?

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