5 | Bear Puns

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We were on our way to the mall, just listening to the radio and talking like normal people. Then, as the next song comes on, Jace starts spazzing. "YO YO YO. TURN IT UP." The intro plays and he's already into it.

"You gotta go and get angry at all of my honesty." He sings in his Bieber voice. "You know i try but i don't do too well with apologies. I hope i don't run out of time, can someone call the referee? Cause i just need one more shot at forgiveness." He evens sings the little background music noises. I decided to join in.

"I know you know that i made those mistakes maybe once or twice." I sing into my (micro)phone. "By once or twice i mean maybe a couple of hundred times. Let me oh let me redeem oh redeem oh myself tonight. I just need one more shot at second chances."

"IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY?! CAUSE IM MISSIN MORE THAN JUST YOUR BODY. OoOH! IS IT TOO LATE NOW TO SAY SORRY?! YEAH I KNO-O-OW THAT I LET YOU DOWN, IS IT TOO LATE TO SAY SORRY NOW?!" We're both screech singing. Off key and everything. The beat drops and we start dancing like lunatics.


This continued for the rest of the song. By the time it was over, Jace was out of breath and a bit sweaty from all the jumping around. I was dying laughing.

"Bieber is my fucking life, Chase. That's my home skillet biscuit. He is the peanut butter to my jelly, the shoe to my laces." I was laughing so hard that i was crying.

"I wasn't aware that you were so serious about this." He runs his fingers through his hair and pulls into the parking lot of the mall.

"Wasn't aware that i was so serious? Did you think this was a game? You think this is a joke?" He tried to stay serious but he ended up letting a few laughs escape. He put the car in park. Right now, it's like 2:00.

"Ok, so, we have about an hour. What do you wanna do?" He asks and I simply shrug in response. Jace shoots me a glare. I laugh.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because. You were supposed to tell me what you wanted to do." He answers and rolls his eyes.

"Im fine with whatever. Let's just walk around and stuff." He sighs and says fine. Then, we get out of the car and start towards the entrance. Inside, it's not crowded but there are a decent amount of people. It smells like caramel popcorn and other junk you can get at a randomly placed food cart. I see an H&M and go crazy.

"JACE JACE JACE. Come on!" I grabbed his hand and tried to run but he was standing still on purpose. "Jaaaace!!!!" I whine. He just laughs and watches me struggle with the biggest pout on my face.

"You're so cute." He says and finally starts walking. Im bouncing like crazy. "Babe, calm down before someone thinks your on some kind of drugs." He whispers. Some random people are giving us confused looks and he laughs softly before pulling me into his arms. His arms are around my waist with my hands on top of his forearms as we walk. It was difficult but it was so cute and i felt all warm and fuzzy so i didn't resist.

The greeter at the door was handing out coupons and i gladly took one.

"Yall are so cute. I wish i had a boyfriend." I open my mouth to explain that we aren't together when Jace cuts me off we a big sloppy kiss on the cheek. Welp. Can't deny it now.

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