4. classes

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"Yeah, I don't get it why should henry be chosen, when Harold was way better." Leah said as she picked at her sandwich.

"But Harold forgot to sing the part about his sister, so he kind of messed up the whole song." Lillie replied.

I checked the time on my phone, 12:27, I so far classes have been fine, at the moment I'm having lunch in the garden with some girls I met in the morning. Lillie and Leah say that they are never apart but when they lost each of in a tide of bodies walking through the halls, Lillie asked Me to help her find leah again. and 'save her life' as Lillie put it. The two girls don't study law but they do share a free period with me, so they started to hang around me for the rest of the day.

"Henry was also the best guitarist in the whole band." Lillie said while handing me a slice of carrot.

"What about nickie, the drummer, she is pretty cool." I said trying to fit in with the conversation. both Leah and Lillie looked at me, thinking about my input to the conversation.

"Yeah, she's is pretty cool." Lillie replied after a while.

"Oh my god, look at that hunk of meat over there." Leah squealed

My eyes scanned around the small amount of people in the large garden only to groan when I see who Leah was afuring to. It was Kal, he was with a group of about seven boys that seemed to follow him around. every girl's head was turned to the group of boys. No, to Kal

"I would love to be the lettuce in that meat sandwiches" Lillie whispered.

"Isn't it the bun." Leah asked

"or the cheese."

"Ew, i'm not some stinky piece of cheese." Lillie squealed as she gagged in disgust. While I roll my eyes.

"Oh come on girls, we are smart sophisticated ladies and we can do so much better then them." I said trying to convince them and somewhat myself, flipping my hair over my shoulder. but the girls didn't budge there eyes were glued on him like a lovestruck puppy looking at her new owner.

"Oh my god, he's coming this way." Lillie squeaked as the both of them squirmed to poke out their chest, cross their legs and try so hard to look casual where I on the other hand just  shrunk back into Myself and look away hoping he won't notice me.

"Hey Jessica." kal said as he stood above me. both Lille and Leah turned their head at me mouth agape and eyes wide as I froze. I could feel his gaze burn into the back of my head. There was no way I could slip out of this one.

"Hi" I reply squinting at the sun as I looked up at him.

"Who are your friends." he replied cooly. His gaze flicking to the girls.

"I'm Lillie." "I'm Leah." they squeaked at him in unison while they can barely contain their smiles.

"Nice to meet you." he said politely. he looked at me for moment then looked back at the girls, who are trying to looks so casual it made me cringe.

"I think we got off at a wrong start." He says as he comes down to sit beside me.

"yeah." I reply studying his features. 

"well do y-"

"Hey, kal." One of the boys from his pack yells out. He looks back at the pack before turning back to me.

"Um I guess I will see you around" he said looking at all of us as he stands up. His gaze lingering on me for a moment as he walked back to the pack.

"Omg he is soooo, cute." Leah squealed.

"He is so into you. Jess." lillie said.

"W-what, no he's not." I stutter pathetically.

"Yes he is." Lillie and Leah giggled together.

I smile as I look back at him.
maybe he's not too bad.

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