Jessica ran through the trees, her feet barely touching the ground. She felt so light that if she wear to jump high enough she would fly away.
Leaping over logs, dodging trees, and stepping on stones. She felt free.
The forest was a place jessica regularly visited. She would beg her dad to take her there to forget about the life and to run around and play with out care in the world.
She was running so fast that no other 5 year old Would be able to race her she thought to herself.
Jessica stopped abruptly and looked up at the clear blue sky. She cupped her hands to her mouth as she called out;
"Kilorn!""What is it now?" A moody voice but as smooth as silk rang out as a young boy walked out from the shadows.
"Come on, lets play." She sang out her energy over flowing as she began to run around him in circles.
"I played with you yesterday." He huffed.
Jessica stopped and a cheeky grin formed on her face.
"Do you wanna show me a magic trick." She said as he cracks and his face began to light up.
"Ok, just one." He said as he walked over to the small stream of water running by.
Jessica followed closely exited for what was going to happen. Last time he showed her how he can disappear and reappear. What could it possibly be this time she thought to herself.
He held his hand out above the water and she watched intently as the water began to swirl under his gaze.
Slowly but surely the water lifted it's self up and twisted into a sparkling Column raising towards his hand.
It twisted and parted to make a beautiful pattern and by the time it reached his hand the water was sculpted into a stunning work of art twinkling under the sun.
"Now watch this." He whispered
Before Jessica's eyes with a small flick of his wrist the water shot out and tangled around them in many stunning columns enveloping them in a cage of twinkling water.
They giggled and watched as the water moved with his hand, settling peacefully in front of Jessica like a window between the two children.
She looked at him through the window, even though his features were distorted by the moving water she was mesmerised by his beauty and power as she fell into a trance.
Noticing the trance she was in, his hand fell to his side as did the water.
"I'm sorry." She muttered for distracting him from his fun.
"No it's ok." He replied. He walked away from the stream and over a large rock siting on it gracefully.
It always ended like this he would stop as if he was afraid that if he did to much Jessica would shatter, he treasured her but was fearful that he would hurt her. Jessica new he was holding something back, she new that he was more then just a strange boy from the woods.
He looked back at her waiting for her to come.
She gladly skipped over to him, and sat with her back leaning on his.
"Promise me that you will always be my friend." She whispered her small head leaning against his shoulder. Even though they looked around the same age his frame is larger compared to hers.
He paused for a long moment until he whispered back "I promise."

Imaginary friends
FantasyEliza Thorn is a young lady with her head on her shoulders and her feet on the ground, she is studying in the Griffiths university to become a highly respectable lawyer but when she is visited by what she thought was her childhood imaginary friend s...