5. Date

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Walking out thinking about the day, smiling to myself as my mind shifts to how Kal tripped over in front of all the professors.

I give a small chuckle. Less than five days ago I thought Kal was nothing but a player, but once I got to know him he is really cool.

"Jessica wait up!" A familiar voice yells from behind me just as I reach the exit doors.


when he finally reaches me he hunches over to catch his breath with his finger in the air indicating for me to wait. so I do.

"do you want.... to get a ..... coffee with me." he pants out his hands pressing on his hips. I try to read his face to see if he was kidding but it's hard to tell. looking down at my phone; 2:53. Plenty of time. Replying with a quiet 'sure' as we walked out together.

"great, the zarraffa's on the corner is pretty good." he smiles

"yeah ok." Excitement fills my stomach but I try not to let it show.

we walk to the Zarraffa's coffee shop which was only five minutes, he talked about his classes and how much he doesn't like Mr McMarn. He talked about his friends and what they study while I stayed quiet watching his every move. bye the time we reach Zarraffa's I was thirsty and was glad that he asked for coffee not for a meal.

"You know you're pretty quiet around me." he said suspiciously.

"I don't know you that well." I reply

He scoffed

"Then come to dinner with me this saturday, then you can get to know me."

"What like with a group of friends." I blurted out.

"No, like a date." he chuckles. I watched him for a long moment, tense before letting myself soften. He really wants to take me out.
'a date?' I thought.

"Oh ok then." I stutter

"I will pick you up at 8:00, wear something nice." he said coolly as if he has been planning this his whole life. he sculls off his coffee and gets up to leave.

"I will see you tomorrow."

"yeah, see ya." I reply.

we go our separate ways.


I get on the tram because I was to occupied to walk home. I can't help but smile, a date. I think to myself where would he take me, what I should wear, what I should say. but my thoughts were interrupted when I feel someone staring at me, I look around the trams carriage to spot a man standing with his back against the wall. he wears a blue hoodie, covering his features in a shadow. I can't see him staring but I can feel it. 

he does not shift under my gaze he just stands there like a statue, when the tram curves he doesn't lean he is stiff like a post yet he looks relaxed. my eyes flicker to his broad chest it doesn't even move with breath, a sudden heaviness washes over me like a thousands people looking at me. but it was only him.


my stop is the next stop, but I couldn't take it anymore. I jump out of the tram and walk the rest of the way feeling the heaviness lift as the tram speeds past me. I sigh as i begin to walk back to my apartment.


"Hey how was your day." Taylah yells out from the living room when I walk into the small apartment. The sweet smell of herbs and spices as well as some lovely flowers that are around the place fills my senses, washing away my worries.

Our apartment was not very big but Taylah is great at making it homie. the lounge is filled with colourful furniture, pot plants of nice flowers and little sentimental decorations.

"mmm smells like home" I mumble as I hang my scarf and beanie onto the coat hanger.

"so how did it go?" Taylah said from the ground as she continues to do sit ups.

"yeah it was good." I reply modestly

"So. Tell me about it"

"Uh, my classes were normal. Oh yeah, this kid named Daniel forgot his part of the group essay, and Kal tripped over in font of everyone." I reply trying to hide the fact that I have a date in two days.

She smiled when I mentioned Kal's name, it was to late she can read me like a book. "you seem to talk about this Kal quite a bit." she replied with a sheepish grin.

"gosh I can't keep one thing from you can I?"  reply throwing myself on the couch behind her.

she stops her sit ups and looks up at me still on the ground. "I'm guessing he is pretty special."

"Yes ok I think he is pretty cute, but I don't want to go rushing in on things."


" I don't know, because I need to concentrate on other things." I reply looking out of the window and down onto the streets.

"We'll, see how he is then decide." Taylah concluded.

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