7. Creature and figures

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Finally after three long days of waiting the day was finally here.

Kal was waiting out in the hallway as I ran frantically around looking for my other heel.

"Jess, you're boyfriends here." Talah called out from the front door.

"I'll be a minute." I assured as I throw my clothes off the bed in order to find the missing shoe.

"Gotcha." I mumble as I strap it on my foot, and advance towards the front door.

Once I reach the door I'm surprised by a bouquet of flowers in my face. I look up at the person holding them.

Kal looks perfect his hair styled with wax, his dress shirt tucked in and his tie done up tight. Realising I was standing there gaping at him I clamp my jaw shut and mutter a thank you as I grab the flowers and walk past him into the corridor.

"She's just nervous." Taylah assures a confused looking Kal as he follows behind me.

Walking into an empty elevator. I give myself a look over on the mirror wall. My plain white dress looks sweet, my hair was pulled back into an elegant bun with a few loose curls to shape my face.

"You look great." He says sweetly as he pecks my cheek.

The ride to the date was nice, he talked about his day and I talked about mine. I lost track of time talking that I forgot to ask where he's taking me, but I don't care I'm having a great time just talking.

Once we reached our destination he looked pleased with himself as he pulls over

"Where are we?" I ask looking around at the deserted street. He didn't answer he only gets out, stalked to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

"It's a shame I was really getting to like you" he said coldly as a sneer worked it's way to his face.

My eyes widen and I gasp as he grabs my arm tightly and leads me across the street and into a dark ally way.

"Kal, what- what are you doing?"

"Shut up." He snaps.

I squirm under his hold trying to get him to let go but he doesn't budge.

We reach the end of the ally as he throws me to the wall, a sickening thud echoed through the dark ally.

My heart hammers against my chest as he stares at me with dead eyes.

I didn't even have time to contemplate where to run before cracks and pops sounded as he hunched over, his eye never looking away from mine. His face shifted and transformed as his skin got paler, his hair lost all its once glorious colour and his straight, perfect teeth moulded into sharp jagged fangs each one dripping with a hot black liquid.

His features sharpened and to my horror what was once a beautiful man was now a wicked beast.

I couldn't breathe I just stood watching the creature transform in front of my very eyes. It's clothes began to rip and tear as his muscled body grow longer and lankier. He, the creature remained hunched over and with the final snap and pop it bellowed a hideous screech.

My heart Jammed in my throat and my lungs screamed for air but I dare not move because the creature was descending towards me. I scream as it's jaw dislocates itself falling limply as a black vile tongue as long as it's head rolled out, in order for the creature to make it's mouth as big as possible the sides of its mouth ripped open as his jaw got longer. The inky black liquid fell to the ground in droplets and splattered on my white dress.

It's going to eat me!
It's going to eat me!!!

I try my hardest to leap around the creatures jagged form but only to fail and become trapped inside it's long arms. The creature holds me against its chest in a cage of long limbs, baring its jagged teeth it shoots down and bites my left shoulder. I try to scream but nothing comes out, I'm paralyzed in shock, fear and betrayal. I feel nothing but hot, searing pain as everything in my body betrays me and starts to shut down in the Beats arms.

A sudden heaviness fell over me, a strange presence filled the alley as a gush of wind ripped the me away from the creature's grasp. I could hear a thud and a hideous scream but it wasn't my own.

As I look up a dark figure appeared out of nowhere, grabbing the creature before disappearing into darkness. In the distance I could here the frightful screech of the creature, the screech got closer and closer before a sickening smack sounded as it hit the ground from above.

The figure landed beside it, there was enough light for me to recognise a hoodie.

My body still in shock and pain started to shut down on me. My legs buckling and hitting the ground as my eyes never left the scene before me. I lift my hand up to my shoulder and feel a warm wet substance, looking at my wet hand in the dim light I see the creatures inky black venom mixed my ruby red blood.

The creature stood up but the hooded man was to fast he was on the creature with in seconds, hitting him in burst of speed. While the man fought the creature I slowly lay on the ground too weak to hold myself up, the black ink from the creature fangs is taking its toll on me.

The creature soon was lying lifeless before me his black tongue rolled out on the dirty ground. I began to cry when I realize that the creature was Kal, my date. Its face was looking directly at mine, even dead the creature still seemed to look into my soul as it lay limply on the ground in front of me.

The figure stood up and looked me up and down with familiar glowing green eyes. He ran towards me jumping over the Beast body and landing beside me but it was too late.

Darkness, as black as the creature's venom holds me in its arms as I slip away.

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