Chapter 14

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Ch 14

I cant believe it and am so stunned when they read the verdict i wanted to scream.

Guilty! That bastard was going to jail for 3 years he is 18 so he got charged as an adult. I am free of him. As i get out of my chair Chases lawyer stops me

"Miss.Gracelynn he wants to speak to you"


i really don't want to i don't know why but I'm scared

"please Miss.Gracelynn"


I follow him down to the holding cells below the court house when i see him i almost stop breathing.

"jenny I'm so sorry please forgive me"

i dont know what it was but i got the courage i should have got months ago

"what the hell do you want"

"are you really pregnant"


"is it mine"

"no its mine"


"goodbye Chase"

and with that i walk out. I meet my dad at the car and get in. I decided something in that basement. i am not going to be the victim anymore! I am taking charge of my life. Im giving my baby the best life i can. Its family will be me, my dad, Shelly, Ben, and Anthony. We get home and everything is in chaos with the wedding next weekend and with it being the 1st week in May school is coming to a close. 


she comes running in the room "oh Jenny can you please go upstairs and keep an eye on the boys"

"of course shell"

I grab my laptop so i can work on my English paper and then go in the boys room Anthony runs and gives me a hug 

"Jenny hows baby"

i laugh " doing good anth"

"will you play with us"

"maybe later i have work to do"

"ok jenny"

i work on my paper as they play with their hot wheels. My paper is on Music one of my many loves. After about an hour i finish.

"ok boys what are we playing"

"cops an robbers" ben screams

"cant how about a board or card game"

"go fish!" Anthony yells

"haha ok"

we play go fish for an hour then its dinner time and i fix the boys and me food considering Shelly was so busy and my dad had to go back to the office. Tomorrow is Tuesday so i have school. i head up to bed and pass out within seconds.

At school the next morning i get greeted my miss.bitch or as the followers call her Stephanie.

"Hey whore, i heard your baby daddy went to jail"

"He is not my (ghetto voice) baby daddy. He is a jerk that was abusive and deserved everything he got"

"Oh please it was probably just a cry for attention"

"No unlike you i don't do things for attention"

Then connor walks up

" Steph your bitch is showing you might wanna take care of that"

" Shut up emo boy"

that's when i got in her face "no you shut up you grimy bitch!"

"im not the one that's a masochistic whore"

i couldn't believe her she just said i ask to be abused!?! I punch her in the face then walk away. I hope it leaves a mark. She needs to learn how not to be a bitch. All goes good until 3rd hour when I'm called into the office. Oh this should be good. I walk into the principals office and she motions for me to sit down.

"Miss.Gracelynn do you know why you are down here"

"Umm can you tell me?"

" You punched Miss.Sheets"

"oh that..."

"yes i know you have been threw a lot so why don't you tell me your side"

"she said i made the abuse up then she said i wanted to be abused"

"well I'm sorry and i will talk to her but I'm afraid your suspended for the rest of the day, i hope tomorrow this doesn't happen"

"ok thank you"

i walk out of her office and as soon as I'm alone i laugh i don't know why but i just laugh for 3 minutes before i stop i don't know if it was from stress or what but it felt good to laugh. I feel a little flutter in my stomach and my hand instantly goes right to my stomach. Was that my baby moving? i Haven't felt my angel move yet and it hits me that i really do have a human being growing inside of me. Hey maybe they were laughing right along with me. I grab my things and meet my dad in the parking lot i get in the car and drop my books.

"did she diserve it"

"oh ya!"

"ok just don't let it happen again"

That's what i love about my dad he understands me and i don't have to explain much.

"thanks dad"

"for what"

"for loving me no matter what"

"baby i will always love you no matter what, you will see what i mean when that little one is born"

i put my hand on my tummy "i think i already know'

he takes my hand and squeezes it we stay in a comfortable silence until we get home

"Ok i have to go back to work please help shelly as much as you can"

"ok dad love you"

"love you too"

I walk in the door and find Shelly at the couch staring at the wall

"Shelly are you ok?"

"what if he changes his mind"


"your dad"

"Shelly he loves you with everything i see it in the way he looks at you. iv never seen him look at anyone like he does you"

"he looks at you and Anthony that way too"

i smile "i know. i will all work out shell don't worry"

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