chapter 18

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He blows gently and I shiver

"Had an eyelash on your face sorry"

I tried to shake off the chills "its ok"

He turn back toward the sunset.

"i love sitting up here"

I nod in agreement "its nice"

We sit there until the sun goes down and it starts getting cold. I shiver. He moves closer to me and puts his arms around me. I snuggle closer


"No problem"

"I'm scared"

"I know"

In that moment I realized he automatically knew what I ment. He pulls me closer.

"So is it a boy or girl"

" I don't know its to early to tell"

"Well I'm sure if its as cute as you it won't matter"

I smile and we just sit for a while.

"Well jenny we better get going"


He helps me up then picks up the blanket and we walk back to the car. We ride in a comfortable silence. When we get to my house he walks me to the door and gives me a hug. It feels nice to have a friend and it makes me smile. I walk up the stairs then go to bed.

I wake up to shelly screaming. I jump out of bed and groggily run toward her voice

"shelly what's..."

I stop and look my dad is on the ground unconscious with shelly performing CPR

"Omg what's wrong"

"he had a heart attack 911 is on its way"

I run to my dads side and grab his hand

"daddy its ok I'm right here"

What seems like hours later I here the ambulance and then feet running up the stairs they pull me and Shelly away and I let them because I'm stunned. I finally snap out of it and walk over to Shelly to comfort her.

"You go with him, I'll find a babysitter for the boys then meet you there"

I'm not sure she hears me but then she squeezes my and and nods. After they leave with my dad with Shelly I call a babysitter and explain what is going on. Then I slip on shoes pants and a hoodie and wait for the babysitter to arrive. She finally gets here and I run out the door and into my car. The ride to the hospital was probably the longest ride ever. I get to the hospital and go right to the front desk.

"My dad was just brought in for a heart attack his name is Keven Gracelynn"

"The family waiting room is that way that's where your mother is waiting"

I froze my mother? She's dead. That's when I realize she thinks shelly is my mom. I guess she is. I felt good realizing I had her to help me threw this. I walk the way the nurse pointed and I find shelly pacing. I run to her and hug her.

"Mom it will be ok"

She looks up at me with questioning in her eyes

"You called me mom"

"Well you are my mom now"

She hugs me tight "I love you jenny, we will get threw this."

After about another half hour a Doctor come in


I speak up "that's us, is he ok"

"Well we had to put him in a medically induced coma to let his brain rest"

"So will he be ok"

"We won't know for a few days but he should"

I feel Shelly squeeze my hand and I do it back as if we are reassuring each other.

"If you want you can see him now"

Me and Shelly both nod our heads so the doctor leads us down a hallway in into a small room. I look at my dad and he is pale and perfectly still. I hate the way he looks its not him this guy isn't my strong indestructible dad. Me and Shelly take a seat on each side of him.

The next few days go slow me and Shelly take turns staying with dad while the other watches the boys. When its my turn with dad I sit on the bed next to him and do school work. I don't know why but its comforting and it keeps me from getting behind I have one more week of school. On the 4th day I'm sitting by my dad I feel his hand twitch. I put my book down and take his hand

"I'm here daddy I'm her for you"

He slowly opens his eyes and smiles

"Hey babygirl"

"Oh daddy your ok"

"Of course I am"

"I was so worried"

"How many days of your life did I miss"


"Oh wow, how are Shelly and the boys"

"Doing ok"

We talk until Shelly gets there and sees he is awake. I leave the room so they can reunite

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