Chapter 27

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Ch 27

We got to the club and i started to feel uncomfortable. I see all these thin girls in super tight slutty cloths and I'm this huge whale. Its me Aleck Sam Connor and Nick. We stood out in the cold for what seems like forever. Finally we get up to the front and get in with our fakes. He looks me up and down "darlin are you sure you should be going in there"

"Ya im not drinking and i have every right to go have a nice time with my friends" i say a little angerly

He waves us in without another word. What an idiot i maybe pregnant but I'm not stupid.....maybe hes write and i shouldn't be i have a right to be.

Aleck squeezes my hand "you ok babe"

"Hmm what ya I'm fine"

"You sure"



Sam takes my hand and starts dragging us all back to a table.

I leave Aleck and head to the bathroom when i walk out Just as i guessed girls were flocking our table they are all pushing their tops down and making their skirts/dresses shorter. One girl puts her hand on Alecks arm and pushes her lips out in a pout doing what i like to call the duck face.

"Hey there handsom"

"Hey there desperate"

I try to hold in a laugh as she frowns at him

"I'm not desperate i just think your cute"

"Tell that to your cloths that look like they should be on a two year old"

Shes about to speak but he puts his hand up to stop her

"Wait I'm sorry that's an insult to two year olds"

I giggle.God i love this guy.

She turns around toward me and shoots daggers my way "what are you laughing at you little whore"

"Your desperate attempts to get him"

She smiles at me"Lets she you try little miss fatso"

"Ok" i say smiling i walk up him and straddle his lap somehow, don't ask and i start making out with him. His fingers tangle in my hair as i bit his lip and he moans. I pull away and smile.

"Wanna come home with me tonight"

"Hell ya!"

I smile and look up at the little slut that has her mouth hanging wide open.

"Have a problem or are you just waiting for some equally as desperate of a guy to trap....oops i mean put his penis in your mouth."


"What" i say smirking

"You little dirty whore!"

"Well im not dirty or a whore so you must have me confused with you"

She glares at me and walks away. Aleck pulls me back to him

"Now that was hot"

"I try" i say right before smashing my lips into his

Someone clears their throat and i look up and blush.

Sam smiles "sorry didnt want cloths to start coming off"

Connor who she was now sitting on laughed "I'm sure that all of the girls would have loved that"

Aleck frowns "whores"

I give him a quick peck on the lips "wanna dance"

"Hell ya"  

he quickly takes the last sip of his beer and leads me to the dance floor. We start dancing and i decide to have a little fun. So i start grinding my hips against his making him start to get hard. I giggle as i hear him groan in my ear. When he cant take it anymore i feel him turn me around and he starts kissing me with so much passion. I tangle my fingers in his hair and lightly bit his lip knowing it drives him crazy. He moans it turns me on so quickly its scary. I pull away and lean my forehead against his. I look in his eyes and see pure lust and it scares me because im not ready for that. Not even close. Maybe this is moving to fast i shouldn't of done that. Luckily i can play the pregnant card so i tell him im tired. he takes me home and i fall on my bed realizing i actually was really tired.


I wake up and i hear crying. Ughy the twins are up again i slowly get out of bed and make my way to their cribs. I pick up Ethan then go to get Elliot but shes not there.


I turn around and scream

"No i do" he says with and evil grin

I look down and see her in his arms

"Give me my baby"

"No they are mine, im their father"

"Chase please"

"Give me Ethan or ill hurt her"

"No chase please"

"Give him to me"

Before i know it josh is in the room and Elliot is back in my arms with chase pushed up against the wall.

"Jenny take the twins and go down stairs"

I'm down stairs when i hear the shot and then i see josh come down the stairs

"You don't need to worry about him anymore come home with me"

"Jenny wake up! Jenny!"


"Sorry baby you were screaming then crying in your sleep"

I hear Shelly's soothing voice and i relax drifting off back to sleep this time with no dreams.

The next day im not prepared when i run into josh at the store he avoids me and i feel hurt. Why is he doing this i thought we promised to stay friends. It doesn't feel right when i cant talk to him i miss him so much. Im not letting him get away this time so i chase after him.


He turns around "oh hi Jenny"

He acts like he didn't see me before now but i know he did i mean who could miss me with my stomach.

"So how are things josh, seems like we haven't talked in forever"

"ya sorry iv been busy"

Hes nervous I can tell by the way hes running his fingers threw his hair.

"So how are you doing"

"I'm good and so are the twins"


I smile rubbing my stomach"Ya seems like my little boy was hiding"

"Oh i see"


Then there was an awkward silence

He runs his fingers threw his hair "well i have to get going ill talk to you later"

"Umm ok by josh"

Its weird i can sense somethings wrong with him but i don't know what. I finish my shopping and go home. I am making dinner tonight and it will be amazing just like my family.

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