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"mommy mommy wake up"

"ya mommy its your birthday"

"daddy said you are getting old"

I open my eyes and smile

"daddy is a liar I'm only 23 and that's not old"

Ethan's eyes get big  "mommy thats old we're only 4"

"ethan we are almost 5 then we will be old too"

Josh walks in and laughs

"good morning Mrs.Milon"

"why did you tell our children I'm old"

"cuz I knew you would love it" he smirks

"ok that's it i may be 7 months pregnant but Ill still kick your butt"

"now now don't set a bed example for our children"

"Elliot, Ethan wanna help me beat up daddy?"

Elliot's big blue eyes that match her daddy's sparkle with mischief just like Josh's do. She smiles.

"get him"

Josh runs and the three of us chase him. Elliot and Ethan giggle so hard they stumble. Even the baby is getting excited. We decided to name her Annabelle, Anna for short. She's due September 7...exactly 9 months after mine and josh's 3 year anniversary. I finally have my college degree and I have my own office to help council rape victims. Josh runs a business with Connor. Connor and Sam finally got married last year and are expecting a baby boy...September 7....the same day I'm due and it wasn't planed. Nick found an amazing girl who he has been dating for a year and a half now and they are the cutest thing ever. Yes Chase is now out of jail. When he got out he apologized to me and stayed out of my life. Aleck well...after I canceled our wedding and told him about josh he told me some part of him new all along. We talk every once and a while. Last time we talked he had just gotten married and was moving to Italy. Ethan and Elliot as i thought since i first saw them are Joshes. Now that i look back on it they knew also. When Josh was in the hospital they were the most unhappy iv ever seen them even to this day.  Also weird enough, ever since me and josh got back together i haven't set foot in a hospital. No more bad luck and I really hope it stays that way. i know its all so cliche but everything is perfect and I couldn't ask for anymore. I got my fairy tail ending and that's all iv wanted all along iv found who i am now.

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