Chapter 19

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Ch 19

It has been about two months since my dads heart attack. School is finally out graduation went by like a blur and I'm 23 weeks pregnant. My belly is really ballooning out now. Me and Aleck have been hanging out about 2 times a week. He is becoming my best friend connor and sam are focused more on each other. I was never to close to nick and josh is not talking to me. Aleck makes sure I eat. He is the only one besides my teacher back home that knows I ever had anorexia. I hide it from people when I started becoming anorexic at 15 one of my teachers sophomore year found out and helped me get better she promised not to tell anyone and as far as I know she hasn't. I got better and haven't had trouble with it until now. Luckily Aleck helps me. He reminds me that its about this baby not just me. Shelly is taking me to the doctor today and we are going to find out the sex of the baby! I turn 18 in 3 day so my party is tomorrow. I'm only having a small party even though shelly wants a big one. I put on my lip gloss then head down stairs to meet shelly. 

"Hey jenny, you ready?" 


I'm so exited to find out if ill have a lil girl or a lil boy. Shelly grabs her keys and we head out the door. I get in the car and try to contain my excitement. This was becoming so real in 17 weeks ill be a mom. My hand flutters on my lap with all of the nervous energy. We get to the doctors office and I almost burst with anticipation. We walk in and the receptionist smiles 

"Hello welcome to Dr.Smiths office how may I help you" 

"I'm here for an appointment, Jenifer Gracelynn" 

"Ok please have a seat we will call you back soon" 

Soon was only ten minutes but it felt like hours be for a heard a nurse say "Jenifer Gracelynn" 

"That's me" I say getting up. Shelly follows as they weigh me then bring me into a room and measure my belly. 

"The doctor will be in soon" 

Another 5 minutes pass and my Doctor comes in. She smiles 

"Hello Jenny how have you beem feeling" 


She looks down at my chart "looks good but you could gain a little bit more weight" 

I nod my head, great as if I'm not big enough 

"Now are we ready to see what our little baby is" 

I smile "heck ya" 

She has me lay back and she lifts up my shirt. She then puts the cold gel on my belly and then grabs the ultra sound. 

"Ok let's find this little one" 

A few seconds later she smiles "gotcha" 

I laugh a little and the baby moves a little 

The docter smiles again "she loves her mom" 

"Her?!? Its a girl!" 


"Shelly its a girl!" 

I smile I secretly really wanted a girl

After we leave the doctors office I get a text from aleck 

"Hey you busy" 

"Not anymore just left doctors office" 

"Everything ok?" 

"Ya you just need to fatten me up a little more" 

"Will do :)" 


"Awe come on lol. So you wanna hang?" 


"Ok ill come over in about a half hour" 

"Kk :)"

I slip my phone back in my pocket. Life was good. At least for now. We get home and Aleck's car pulls up behind us. I tell shelly bye and the go get in his car. 

"So what's the adventure today" 

He smiles "I don't care, its up to you" 

"Hmmm how about we go to the mall" 

"Haha ok fine" 

I smile triumphantly. When we get to the mall I drag him to the food court because I'm starving. We both get sandwiches and a coke and sit down. 

"So Jenny how's it going" 

"Haha very nice Aleck" 

"Good good" 

I giggle and then she moves and my hands fly to my belly 

"Is everything ok" 

"Ya she's just kicking" 

"Its a girl!?" 

I smile "mhm" 

"What are you naming her" 

"Elliot Florance" 

"I like it" 

"Me to" 

"So what do you say, ready to shop" 

"Heck ya" 

He laughs "ok let's go" 

We start walking and some how our hands just became intertwined. We walk into a baby cloths store and i smile i can finally shop for my little princess. Aleck helps me pick out a few new born outfits. he has good taste for a guy. we then decide to see a movie. Its super cheesy and a definite chick flick but he does not complain. half way threw the movie i find my hand in his again. i kind of like it its comforting. thats when i see him a few rows down i can not believe i just now noticed and had a beautiful red head on his arm. Seeing another girl with josh hurt. I could feel that Aleck sensed something wrong because he squeezed my hand. He leaned over and whispered

"whats wrong"

"one of my ex's is here"

he gets stiff "oh"

the rest of the movie he is slightly stiff when we get up to leave we run into josh

"oh hi Jen"

"oh hi josh"

"this is camile" he says pointing to the girl on his arm

"and this is Aleck"

Aleck senses my uncomfortableness and steps in

"Hunny we better get going"

he looks at josh

"im sorry it was really nice to meet you but we have to go"

josh looks slightly stunned "ok ya, bye Jenny"

Me and Aleck walk out hand and hand. once we are away from josh i stop walking

"thanks for that"

"for what"

"for getting me away"

"anything for my jenny"

my jenny? i was his jenny? hmm i like the feel of that.

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