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Sofia's pov

As usual, we alwalys talk about things. I've found out the girl that warn me yesterday is jenna. How do i know it? Its because my classmates always talked about her like how they hate her and how the boys love her. Well this high school. Btw its lunch time so me and my girls walk out of the class and head to the cafetaria. On our way to the cafetaria......

"hey bitch"

"what do you want now slut?" chloe answered with a disgusting voice.

"so now you guys are brave enough to use the word slut to your senior huh?"

"Yeah so what" chelsea answered with a disgusting voice too.

"Did you guys seriously dont know who i am ?"

"Do we need to know" celina answered.

"yes you need" one of jenna's friend carla answered. Chelsea rolled her eyes.

"she is isabella jenna marsha, the queen of this school and if anyone dare to do anything to her, they will be kick out from this school eventhough her parents does not own this school but still she will make you step out of this school."

"And there is no one in this school survived after they do something bad to her. So you better be careful bitch" grace that is one of jenna's friends continue. Then after they done talking they just walk past through us without anything or say something more. I feel uncomfortable every time they talk to us it feels like i've met them somewhere.

We continue walking. When we're on the cafetaria we sat at the table near the window. "eseriously why do they always stare at us?" chelsea asked us. "Dont be too think about it, maybe they are not looking at us maybe they're looking at the view from the window." I said while start to eat my lunch.

"But if they are looking at the view from the window then why are they smirking?" chloe asked.

I stop eating for awhile and look them. Well it true they are looking at us with a smirk on their face. Then my eyes caught kim soo hyun looking at me with a smirk too. I immediately look to my food again and start eating them again. "maybe they love you, chloe" i said with a cold voice. They start to tease chloe. I smiled. When looked back at him, i saw jenna is flirting with him again but the weird thing is that he doesn't attracted to what jenna is doing with him. He just keep staring at me with a smirk. Creepy. I then continue with my lunch.

We've finished our meals. On our way back to class. The bad boys walk toward us and when we're close enough jack start to talk to chelsea and the same for bryan and chloe and ii woo to celina but not same for me. I immediately leave them because im too scared to face kim soo hyun. I just keep walking and went up stairs until im lost. I dont know where am i then i start walking again by going up and down until i arrieved at the roof top.

I decided to stay there for awhile. In up there i can see the students playing at the field. Its so comfortable up here. I feel relax. Suddenly the voice of the door open. I turn around to look who is it and its the leader of the bad boys, kim soo hyun. Im so surprised. My eyes widen. And so my heart start to beat fast. Wait why is my heart start to beat fast? Oh yeay its because IM SO SCARED!!!SOS!!!

He then come closer and i start to walk back everytime he come closer then i realize that i need to escape from him. I start walking past through him before he grab me. He hold my wrist so hard. I treemble. "why are you shaking so hard?" he asked in a low voice. I want to answer but i can't. Im too scared to answer him. "is it because you're scared of me?" he asked with a smirk. My eyes widen and i look down.

He pull me and he hug me, "shh, dont be scared princess, its ok" he said while still hugging me and put his chin on top of my head. My heart beat faster. I couldn't fall for him. I can't. And why is he calling me princess. It kinda feel uncomfortable.

I tried to pull myself away from him but i can't because he's too strong. "don't run away from me princess, i told you not to be scared, right?" he said that make me jump a little. Then he let go a bit. He bring his face down to my ear and whisper "don't be scared of me again, just relax everytime you see me, and don't listen to every what jenna said to you, ok(?)" then he hold my wrist again and pull me down to my class then he leave me with my blank mind. I start to walk in the class and then chelsea and chloe and celina start to worried about me again. I don't tell them the truth just told them that im fine. Well its because i don't want for them to worried alot about me. And with that we start to make jokes with the whole class.


Its go home time, celina need to stay at school because she need to take her test. Its kinda long-short story. So i need to walk home by myself. On my way home, there's this expensive car that stop me. The window start to roll down and "do you want a lift?" kim soo hyun asked from the driver's seat. "no thanks, i can walk by myself." He look to thr front street through the window then look at me again.

"well it seems dangerous to walk by yourself moreover when you're a girl" he said with a smirk. And it kinda make me uncomfortable.

Then he went out from his car and walk to me and without anything to say he just open the passenger seat door and push me in to the car. Then he went back to the driver seat and drive.

5 minutes passed and it still quite here. "btw why are you alone where is your sister celina?" with that he start the conversation. But wait how did he know that celina is my sister? I never told him that? "oh please all of us the grade 11 students knows about you and your gang eventhough when you don't tell anyone." He said. Did i said that out loud. "hahahahaha" he start to laugh. I turn to see him laughing. "eventhough you ask your question in your heart, i still can know from your face, stupid princess" idk why but i smiled a bit. "why are you not talking from just now?"

"i don't know what to talk about" i said in a low voice.

"well where is your house then?"

"I live at an apartment near the school"

"Where is it?"

"From here you just need to go straight and turn left then straigh again and there you'll see the twins apartment."

"Owhhhh ok."

10 mins later.

"Is it here?"

"Yup its here, thanks for the lift" with that i start to opening the door before he hold my wrist again.

"are you going to leave just like that without any payment?"


"tomorrow after lunch time go to the roof top again. If you do not go there i'll punish you again"

He let go of my wrist and i immediately open to the door and step out then close the door. Without looking back, i quickly walk to the apartment building and go inside.

"Im home" i shout but not to loud, enough for my mom to hear me.

"sofia, how is your school today?" my mom asked me.

"great. Fine"


"mom im going to sleep first ok"

I go in to my bedroom. My bedroom color is tosca and mint. Its my fav color. I changed my clothes and jump tyo my bed. And start to think about kim soo hyun wait what why am i thinking about him? Urghhhh i must be tired because of today. I slowly close my eyes and start to sleep.


Well how is it? Did i make mistakes? Plss let me knwo by your comment. Thx for reading J


LOVE WITH THE BAD BOY || kim Soo Hyun Book 1Where stories live. Discover now